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VuFind Summit 2017

Dates and Location

The 2017 developers summit took place at Villanova University on October 9 and 10, 2017.

Video Archive

A recording of the conference can be found in this YouTube playlist.

Transportation and Lodgings

Some lodging options can be found here; see the Villanova site for transportation suggestions.


Day 1

 9:00 -  9:30 Registration, light refreshments
 9:30 - 10:15 Demian Katz - State of the Project, Q&A
10:15 - 10:45 Chris Hallberg - Front End Update
10:45 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:30 John Jung - How Might We Use Linked Data in VuFind? 
11:30 - 12:00 Benjamin Mosior - Open-Source Strategy: The Disruptive Potential of VuFind as a Service
12:00 -  1:00 LUNCH (provided)
 1:00 -  2:15 VuFind Roadmapping Session
 2:15 -  2:30 Break
 2:30 -  4:30 HackFest / Break-out Sessions

         5:00 Dinner at Gullity's (on your own)

Roadmapping Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XpVlCf1lVrgy_1C36z5ff98lWTMJWy2_27e8BsDu97k/edit?usp=sharing

More details on the dinner venue may be found here.

Day 2

 9:00 -  9:30 Registration, light refreshments
 9:30 -  9:45 Morning Planning
 9:45 - 10:15 Lightning Talks
10:15 - 12:15 HackFest / Break-out Sessions
12:15 -  1:15 LUNCH (provided)
 1:15 -  4:30 HackFest / Break-out Sessions (continued)

Detailed Talk Descriptions

Leila Gonzales - Geographic Search & Display Updates (lightning talk)

Chris Hallberg - Front End Update

VuFind's front end continues to grow and evolve to keep up with technological trends. In this talk, Chris will discuss the latest evolutions of the interface and plot out some of the things that are coming next.


John Jung - How Might We Use Linked Data in VuFind?

Based on interviews with users, John will present some quick interface mockups that explore how Linked Data could be used in VuFind to provide the kinds of features users have asked for. Whether it is by utilizing author or subject identifiers, or even work-level identifiers, we are interested in concrete ways to explore Linked Data in the coming year.

Our goal with this presentation is to participate in a conversation with the VuFind community about Linked Data. From a technical perspective, what will it take for us to make these ideas a reality? What approaches might be reusable and sharable with other VuFind users?


Demian Katz - State of the Project, Q&A

In this talk, Demian will review what is new and what has changed since the last Summit as well as discuss some areas of future work that may help inform discussion during the afternoon's roadmapping session, where decisions will be made about the direction of the next major release. Time will be included for Q&A.


Benjamin Mosior - Open-Source Strategy: The Disruptive Potential of VuFind as a Service

Discovery solutions are a critical and enabling component of the library ecosystem, but the barrier to entry for making use of one can be significant. Cost, staff, skills, time, and project management overhead can slow or altogether prevent an institution's fulfillment of this important service for patrons. One 2016 report estimated that 62% of libraries around the world have not purchased and do not plan to purchase a discovery service. Is it fair to say that these inhibiting factors might be part of the cause?

What might become possible if we significantly diminish these hurdles? How might we make that happen? It all starts with a map of the strategic landscape, a little sysadmin know-how, and some entrepreneurial spirit.


community/conferences/summit_2017.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/05 16:06 by demiankatz