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PMC Meeting: July 11, 2022

:!: This document is currently an agenda; it will be updated to full minutes following the meeting.



1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • ALL: review/comment on 8.1 pull requests as time permits.
  • ALL: reply to Craig's RSP form draft with feedback, if you have any beyond what is captured in minutes here.
  • Demian: draft VuFind Summit schedule; contact presenters; share results with PMC. DONE
  • Demian: announce (and implement) creation of release-8.1 branch / dev-9.0 merge. DONE
  • Demian: create wiki page for RSP Agreement; link from GitHub and other appropriate wiki pages; start work on benefits table. DONE
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • Demian: add Dokuwiki plugins / Community Call revisions to next agenda. DONE

2. WOLFcon / VuFind Summit 2022

Demian has drafted a schedule for a two-day Summit.

We should continue to follow up with WOLFcon to learn about 2023 plans, so we can make an announcement at the end of the Summit.

3. Documentation

Demian has shared the latest quarterly web analytics with the group, in case they reveal any useful patterns. (He has not had time to analyze them himself).

Demian also spent some time researching Dokuwiki plugins to help with page management. He suggested that perhaps the struct structured data plug-in could be used to create a “page owner” field, which could be used to assign maintainers to pages, and to allow maintainers to review their list of assigned pages. He was not able to easily find a plugin for displaying a warning on older pages, so he asked about it in a forum post.

Demian noted that a new release candidate of Dokuwiki was just released, so it seems very likely that the full release will be available in time for the PHP 7 end of life – good news for the sustainability of the current wiki.

Remaining assignments:

  • Demian: finish pull request #2467.
  • Mohan: review/edit/update MeSH, DoAJ and PubMed Central pages; add NepJol page.

4. OLF Update

Email updates still pending.

5. Release Planning

6. Registered Service Provider Agreement

Demian has created an RSP wiki page and has linked it from the membership levels and benefits page. He decided not to set up further links until we have had time to discuss and make progress on outstanding issues.

He has also installed the bureaucracy plugin to allow forms, and Craig has begun work on the application form.

Next steps:

  • Link to RSP agreement from support page and GitHub.
  • Create RSP logo.
  • Once submission form is ready, reach out to existing VuFind vendors to gauge interest and solicit feedback (this may also be a good time to discuss trademark compliance, which has been on the “future issues” list for a while).
  • Set up a dedicated vufind.org email address, forward that to PMC members, and make it the recipient of application form submissions. Should we use a generic pmc@vufind.org address, or do we want a specific rsp@vufind.org address for routing?

7. Community Call Restructuring/Marketing

Should we run a new survey about the content/timing of the Community Call?

8. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

  • Develop a fundraising communication plan - after completion of Registered Service Provider work
  • Develop a documentation maintenance plan
  • “Good first issue” highlighting
  • Outreach to forks for new feature contributions
  • Marketing project (better VuFind definition, website improvements, etc.)
  • Publication / presentation efforts related to PMC and sustainability

Other Items

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20220711.1657131076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/06 18:11 by demiankatz