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PMC Meeting: August 15, 2023



1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Craig/Demian/André: continue updating older wiki pages as time permits. ONGOING
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating/testing Koha installation and Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • André: move security audit process forward. ONGOING
  • Demian/André: continue work on Lokalise integration. ONGOING
  • Chris: Open PR incorporating feedback from Josef's accessibility review. ONGOING
  • Demian: test membership form and distribute fundraising email once test is confirmed successful. DONE
  • Demian: add VPAT to “possible future actions” list on next agenda to keep it in sight. DONE
  • ALL: review the governance document and be prepared to discuss any necessary changes/updates at next meeting. DONE

2. Goal Review

2023 Goals:

  • Release versions 9.0 (DONE!) and 9.1 (October?)
  • Hold a VuFind® Summit in Summer, 2023 linked with WOLFcon in some way
  • Run fundraising campaign in parallel with summer conference season
  • Complete a documentation improvement project
  • Complete a website improvement project (marketing-oriented)
  • Finish implementation of standard translation platform
  • Investigate possible training partnerships and fundraising around training materials

3. Documentation

Koha wiki page development/testing is still ongoing, as is updating of older pages.

Mohan has just sent some new Koha ILS-DI revisions to Demian, which will be incorporated into the wiki as time permits.

Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol “open data sources” pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which recently had example XSLT import configs added to the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched).

4. Translation Platform

André and Demian hope to work on this during WOLFcon later in the month.

5. WOLFcon 2023

The schedule is complete. Please register if you have not already, and join us online if time permits!

6. Security Audit

André has received a first draft of the audit, which contains some suggestions but no huge surprises.

One of our new members suggested finding a way to issue cybersecurity alerts for VuFind® that can make it into global CVE databases.

7. Fundraising

The OLF has provided a credit card donation page for us, which we can use as a complement to the “request an invoice” form.

Demian proposes setting up a vufind.org/donate URL that will make it convenient to donate. This probably needs multiple links – i.e. to the credit card form, the “request an invoice” form, and the RSP form. Maybe we can make big buttons to make this friendlier.

We have received a few donations so far, as well as a new RSP application. Demian is currently waiting for financial processing on these. He plans to start a spreadsheet in the project's Google Drive to centrally track everything, as it is beginning to get complicated.

8. Governance Document Review

Demian's notes:

  • Should we mention other communication methods like Slack somewhere? Might be best not to name a specific technology, but maybe somewhere under “Contributors” we should add a link to the community support page. The Tech list is the primary method listed throughout the document, but in practice, Slack seems to be more popular.
  • I've been publishing committer vote results in the newsletter, which in turn gets announced on the Tech list. This follows the letter of the document but maybe isn't exactly what we originally intended. Is adjustment needed/worthwhile?
  • The sentence “The Treasurer is not required to be a member of the PMC, but the Secretary should be a member of PMC.” is somewhat ambiguous – it seems to be saying both positions are PMC-optional, but maybe saying that more strongly for the Secretary. Should we change the Secretary requirement to “must” to make things more clear?
  • We say that “Any committer can merge a trivial contribution, even if it is their own.” I think we should remove “even if it is their own” since GitHub rules currently prevent this.

9. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

  • Moravian Library is willing to contribute in creating new theme. Robert Šípek could work on it

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20230815.1692111425.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/15 14:57 by xmorave2