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List of Configuration Files

VuFind uses many configuration files to control its functionality. They can be found in a few different places. This page provides an overview of all of the available configurations.

Be sure to read about the local settings directory for details on how to override VuFind's default configurations. In general, it is better to create local custom copies of configurations rather than editing them in place.

VuFind Configurations

The most commonly customized VuFind settings can be found in simple .ini files found in a handful of locations. This section summarizes them.

config/vufind directory

The bulk of VuFind configurations are found here. Commonly used configuration files of interest to a majority of users are marked with :!:.

Aleph.ini Configurations for the Aleph ILS.
Amicus.ini Configurations for the Amicus ILS.
authority.ini, authsearchspecs.yaml Configurations for VuFind's optional authority record search module.
Collection.ini Configurations related to Hierarchies and Collections.
:!: combined.ini Configurations for combining multiple search types.
:!: config.ini VuFind's primary configuration file, containing many global settings.
CookieConsent.yaml Cookie consent category configuration.
DAIA.ini Configurations for the DAIA ILS API.
Demo.ini Configurations for the Demo ILS driver.
EDS.ini Configurations for the EBSCO Discovery Service.
EIT.ini Configurations for the EBSCO Integration Toolkit.
Evergreen.ini Configurations for the Evergreen ILS.
:!: export.ini Configurations controlling VuFind's record export capabilities.
:!: facets.ini Configurations for Solr faceting (facet settings for other search backends are found in API-specific configurations like Summon.ini, etc.)
:!: fulltext.ini Configurations for extracting full text during indexing.
HierarchyDefault.ini, HierarchyFlat.ini Configurations related to Hierarchies and Collections.
:!: httpd-vufind.conf A template used by VuFind's install script to create an Apache configuration; should rarely need to be edited by hand.
Horizon.ini, HorizonXMLAPI.ini Configurations for the Horizon ILS.
Innovative.ini Configurations for the III Millennium ILS.
Koha.ini Configurations for the Koha ILS.
LBS4.ini Configurations for the LBS4 ILS.
LibGuides.ini Configurations for the LibGuides search module.
MultiBackend.ini Configurations for using multiple ILS systems with VuFind.
NewGenLib.ini Configurations for the NewGenLib ILS.
:!: NoILS.ini Configurations for disabling VuFind's ILS support (or dealing with a temporarily offline ILS).
OpenUrlRules.json Configurations for controlling when OpenURL links are displayed (see OpenURLs for details).
Pazpar2.ini Configurations for using Pazpar2 federated search with VuFind.
:!: permissions.ini Configurations for VuFind's authorization system.
Polaris.ini Configurations for the Polaris ILS.
Primo.ini Configurations for the Primo Central search API.
RecordCache.ini Configurations for Record Caching.
RecordTabs.ini Configurations for Record Tabs - added in VuFind 6.
reserves.ini, reservessearchspecs.yaml Configurations related to Solr-based course reserves.
SearchApiRecordFields.yaml Record field configuration for the Search API, useful for specifying additional (e.g. locally defined) fields so that they become available via the API. Also used for building the Swagger specification for the API.
:!: searchbox.ini Configurations related to VuFind's search box, useful when combining multiple search types.
:!: searches.ini Configurations related to VuFind's Solr search options (equivalent settings for other search backends are found in API-specific configurations like Summon.ini, etc.).
:!: searchspecs.yaml Solr search definitions – see search customization for details.
shibboleth.ini Advanced configurations for Shibboleth authentication.
Sierra.ini Configurations for the Sierra ILS.
:!: sitemap.ini Configurations for generating XML sitemaps to aid search engine optimization.
:!: sms.ini Configurations related to text messaging.
Summon.ini Configurations for the Summon search API.
Symphony.ini Configurations for the Symphony ILS.
Unicorn.ini Configurations for the Unicorn ILS.
Virtua.ini Configurations for the Virtua ILS.
Voyager.ini, VoyagerRestful.ini Configurations for the Voyager ILS.
VuDL.ini Configurations for integration with VuDL (deprecated).
webcrawl.ini, websearchspecs.yaml, website.ini Configurations for indexing websites.
WorldCat.ini Configurations for using the WorldCat search API.
XCNCIP2.ini Configurations for the XC NCIP Toolkit (ILS abstraction layer).

harvest directory

Record harvesting tools can be found here. See the OAI-PMH Harvesting page for more details.

import directory

Some import-specific configuration files can be found here; see the indexing section of the manual for more details.

Solr Configurations

If you are using VuFind's Solr index, you can customize it using various XML configuration files found beneath VuFind's solr subdirectory. The Solr index is separated into cores for different purposes, and each core contains a conf/ subdirectory containing solrconfig.xml and schema.xml files (among others) that configure that core. See the Solr documentation for more details.

Laminas Configurations

VuFind is built on Laminas, and the framework itself uses a few configuration files.

The top-level framework configuration can be found in config/application.config.php. Under normal circumstances, this file should never be edited – key settings that a user might want to override can be controlled through environment variables.

The Laminas application is split into modules, each of which contains a config/module.config.php file that defines the resources and settings used within that module. These can be overridden by creating a local custom module.

VuFind's views are displayed using a custom system inspired by Laminas design. Each theme contains a theme.config.php file which contains theme-specific settings. See the User Interface Customization page for more information.

configuration/files.1664261947.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/27 06:59 by emaijala