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PMC Meeting: February 14, 2022

:!: This document is currently a draft and will be finalized as minutes following the meeting.



1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • André/Demian/Ere/Mohan: Continue discussion of documentation management, etc. ONGOING
  • Demian: Continue moving OLF membership process forward. ONGOING
  • Hajo: Share WOLFcon details with the group as they emerge. ONGOING
  • Demian/Leila: Post discovery survey results on website. DONE
  • Demian: Open PR to link from installation screens to installation report form. DONE
  • Demian: Schedule reminder to send updated web analytics at end of quarter. DONE
  • Demian: Do some basic analysis of web analytics results. DONE
  • Demian: Turn on branch protection for dev branch in GitHub. DONE
  • Demian: Send email to committers about possibility of using April Community Call for sprint planning. DONE
  • Demian: Schedule “It Takes a Village” activity meeting for PMC on 1/26. DONE
  • Craig: Share draft Registered Service Provider Agreement (discussed during ITAV meeting). DONE

2. User Needs Assessment Survey

Leila posted results on the wiki.

This seems to support the value of ongoing investigations related to authority data.

3. WOLFcon 2022

4. Improve VuFind Installation List

As promised, Demian opened pull request #2268 to link from the VuFind installation page to the instance report form. We should discuss and merge when satisfied.

Other remaining actions:

  • Decide which email address(es) the form should notify
  • Link to the form from the installation list itself.

5. vufind.org Web Analytics

As discussed last month, Demian did some very minimal analysis of the top 40 web pages on vufind.org, finding that all of the frequently-accessed pages also seem to be reasonably up to date. The page that probably is most in need of attention is open data sources, which contains a lot of information that hasn't been checked in close to a decade (though it also includes some current and useful things). Perhaps we should consider breaking this into smaller pieces and/or reviewing all of it.

6. GitHub Branch Protection

Demian turned on branch protection for dev, dev-* and release-* branches.

7. Documentation

8. OLF Update

Progress continues on the VuFind/OLF process; Villanova has been invoiced for the initial membership setup, so more activity should take place soon.

Additionally, VuFind has been assigned three votes for the current open seat on the OLF roundtable. We should determine a process for allocating these.

9. Release Planning

10. It Takes a Village: Resources Module

11. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

  • Develop a fundraising communication plan - after February resource planning
  • Discuss a strategy for approaching VuFind services vendors (both for funding support and trademark compliance)
  • Develop a documentation maintenance plan
  • Investigate Dokuwiki enhancements (“old page” alerts, “page ownership” mechanism)
  • Community Call restructuring / marketing
  • “Good first issue” highlighting
  • Outreach to forks for new feature contributions
  • Marketing project (better VuFind definition, website improvements, etc.)
  • Publication / presentation efforts related to PMC and sustainability

Other Items

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20220214.1644849496.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/14 14:38 by demiankatz