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Virtual VuFind® Summit 2020

Dates and Location

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 VuFind® Summit was an online-only event, combining the annual German and American VuFind® Summits into a single conference. The event was held online from September 29 to October 1, 2020.


Video Recordings, Documents and Social Media

The event was held as a Zoom webinar. Recordings of all sessions are available on the VuFind® Summit 2020 YouTube Playlist.

Notes were collected on the conference planning document.

The hashtag #VuFind2020 was used to discuss the event on social media.


:!: All times are in UTC/GMT.

Day 1 (September 29, 2020)

12:30 - 1:00pm Lobby Time (feel free to join early and test equipment)
 1:00 - 1:15pm Demian Katz - Welcome and Introduction
 1:15 - 1:45pm Francis Jayakanth - Enhancing the Discoverability of Library Hosted Resources: A Case Study with VuFind®
 1:45 - 2:15pm Mohan Raj Pradhan - Open Source Software and LiveDVD with reference to VuFind®
 2:15 - 2:45pm Parbati Pandey - SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for library software with reference to Free SSL Certificate
 2:45 - 3:00pm Break
 3:00 - 3:30pm Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay - VuFind® and Koha integration: a comparison of three generations of connectivity approaches
 3:30 - 4:00pm Showcase of VuFind® Instances (Villanova, Finna, FINC)

Day 2 (September 30, 2020)

12:30 - 1:00pm Lobby Time (feel free to join early and test equipment)
 1:00 - 1:30pm Demian Katz - VuFind®: State of the Project, 2020
 1:30 - 2:00pm Hector Correa - Indexing and Searching Chinese-Japanese-Korean text in Solr
 2:00 - 2:30pm Marius Zierold - META - from catalog to information-hub
 2:30 - 2:45pm Break
 2:45 - 3:15pm Leander Seige - A Spa for VuFind® - Building a Single Page Application in React for VuFind®'s API
 3:15 - 4:00pm Discussion of single-page applications, etc.

Day 3 (October 1, 2020)

12:30 - 1:00pm Lobby Time (feel free to join early and test equipment)
 1:00 - 1:30pm Anne Christensen - Less searching, more browsing: a plea for more features to support actual discovery
 1:30 - 2:00pm Hajo Seng - Extension and Modularisation of VuFind®
 2:00 - 2:30pm Discussion and Lightning Talks
 2:30 - 2:45pm Break
 2:45 - 4:00pm Roadmapping Session

Detailed Talk Descriptions

Demian Katz, Villanova University - Welcome and Introduction

In addition to outlining the Summit itself, Demian will briefly introduce VuFind® and point out some useful resources for learning more about the project.


Francis Jayakanth, Indian Institute of Science - Enhancing the Discoverability of Library Hosted Resources: A Case Study with VuFind®

This talk shares the Indian Institute of Science's recent experience in setting up the latest version of VuFind® at the library to facilitate a discovery service for some of the IT-based services that the library manages. These services include the following: ePrints@IISc (http://eprints.iisc.ac.in), etd@IISc (http://etd.iisc.ac.in), The Journal of the Indian Institute of Science (https://journal.iisc.ac.in/index.php/iisc), and LibSys – The Integrated Library Management System (ILMS).


Mohan Raj Pradhan, HealthNet Nepal - Open Source Software and LiveDVD with reference to VuFind®

Users are habituated to use software like Google where all the information is available at a single point of access. In libraries, users have to use different software packages for different purposes: Koha for catalogue, DSpace for full text, WordPress or Drupal for Website, SubjectsPlus for related links. But library professionals face the problem of configuration while installing aforementioned software. To overcome this problem, a LiveDVD has been developed. Library professionals can use this software without needing to configure it. This presentation will discuss the LiveDVD and preview a forthcoming training program utilizing the tool and showing how it was assembled.


Lila Nyaichyai, Central Department of Library and Information Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal - Effectiveness of digital library to combat Covid-19 in education and learning

In developing countries, most information is in the grey form. These are the documents which actually chart the country’s development efforts. This information is never published in a commercial channel. This information is usually in the form of theses, research reports, teachers' hands-out and seminar papers. With the Covid-19 pandemic, all the libraries of developing countries are closed and the majority of the information is housed in the stacks of library buildings. The solution to this problem is to create digital libraries where all the information is available in a single point of access. VuFind® can provide this type of search. This presentation will discuss various software and its configuration to allow harvesting data. This approach ultimately provides a solution to the aforementioned problem to support teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

:!: This talk was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Parbati Pandey, Tribhuvan University, Nepal - SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for library software with reference to Free SSL Certificate

Many library software applications, including VuFind®, use usernames and passwords to access data. However, some instances still use the insecure HTTP protocol for access. HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) requires a TLS certificate to be installed on the server. When HTTP is combined with TLS, it is called HTTPS, and appears in the URL. Symbolically, https is shown through a padlock icon. This talk discusses how to set up HTTPS to improve site security without the need for purchasing expensive certificates, ensuring that VuFind® and other tools can be used safely and affordably throughout the world.


Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India - VuFind® and Koha integration: a comparison of three generations of connectivity approaches

Union catalogues at the global level (like WorldCat, COPAC, AMICUS) and in India (like IndCat, Granthalaya) lack the desired OPAC functionalities such as real-time item availability status, holds placement, holds preference settings and so on. This submission explores the possibility of a union catalogue for libraries of Indian universities by using Koha ILS at the backend and VuFind® discovery system in the front. It throws light on three generations of Koha-VuFind® connectivities (Database call approach; ILS-DI protocol based connections and REST based interactions) with relative advantages and disadvantages in fusing OPAC functionalities within VuFind® (like placement of holds, selection of preferred date range for holds, choice of pickup location etc). The proposed union catalogue (in place of the present IndCat) applies Koha ILS (different instances) as data provider layers, OAI/PMH as protocol for data harvesting, VuFind® as discovery layer and multi-backend driver for communicating different Koha instances (representation of different libraries) to implement the desired OPAC functionalities in union catalogue. It finally compares relative performances of three generations of connectivities in a multi-backend driver setup in terms of indexing issues, real-time items-level status generation, user-driven services and ILS based authentication in VuFind®.


Demian Katz, Villanova University - State of the Project, 2020

In this talk, Demian will review what is new and what has changed since the last Summit as well as discuss some areas of future work that may help inform discussion during the Summit's roadmapping session, where decisions will be made about the direction of the next major release.


Hector Correa, Brown University Library - Indexing and Searching Chinese-Japanese-Korean text in Solr

In order to search in Solr for documents that contain text in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language (CJK) a special set of fields must be defined and used to account for the unique rules in tokenization and filtering that are required to process text in CJK languages correctly.

Solr provides the tools to handle CJK text. This session provides a quick introduction on how to index CJK data in Solr and how to use these fields during searching to improve the discovery of CJK documents in Solr.


Marius Zierold, Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv - META - from catalog to information-hub

META (meta-katalog.eu) was created to make information about the women's movements and disciplinary materials accessible to a broader audience. Due to the fact that these materials are documented by small libraries, archives and documentation centres it was a great effort to unify these ressources and make them equal to one another.

With VuFind® we got the perfect opportunity to create that seamless user experience. We changed the interface generously, we removed unwanted functionalities and added some important features. By far we created the best looking catalog in the VuFind® universe.

META developed from a highly relevant catalogue in the field of women's studies and women's movements to a significant part of the German Digital Archive (DDF).

With the extension to embed digital objects it became a digital library itself.

In order to manage the data ingest properly we invented the META-Uploadtool. Now we are able to export not only DublinCore and MarcXML through the OAI-Interface but EAD-Data.

With the help of VuFind®, smart ideas and powerful solutions we created nothing more than an information-hub for women's movement and women's and gender studies. We created a searchspace on basis of homogeneous data and made information accessible to users and other data projects like the German Digital Library (DDB) or Archivportal-D.

Within the following years there will be efforts to prove that this concept is even ready to serve in a European framework.


Horacio Degiorgi, SID / UNCuyo - Open and use the Search API from outside VuFind®. Examples in JS, Vuejs and Laravel

This presentation will show how VuFind® data can be accessed using the API with VUEJS / JS examples and Laravel. How to open the API, test and put a simple search in production using VUEJS components.

:!: This talk was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Leander Seige, Leipzig University Library - A Spa for VuFind® - Building a Single Page Application in React for VuFind®'s API

In recent years, Javascript application programming has become an important architectural approach for many websites. Popular frameworks such as React or AngularJS offer sophisticated development environments to create impressive applications in a very short time. This presentation reports on a proof-of-concept project creating a Single Page Application (SPA) on top of the VuFind® API within three days. On an experimental level, basic search functionalities, facets, bookmarks and some other interesting features were implemented. Furthermore, the App was realized as a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be “installed” on user devices.


Anne Christensen, effective WEBWORK GmbH - Less searching, more browsing: a plea for more features to support actual discovery

Discovery systems suggest by their name that they allow for more than just searching for known items. Features supporting this kind of search approach however seldom go beyond topical facets or bento boxes that offer links to subject guides and other services and resources outside the actual discovery system. In this talk, we will look at ways to better integrate curated content into discovery systems, as it is currently discussed within the German beluga core consortium of seven libraries using VuFind®. One of our approaches is to use the public lists functionality within VuFind® to create both browsing functionality and to offer curated lists of standard textbooks and other introductory material. We are also looking at ways to boost items from public lists by teaching staff in the results lists of our discovery system. The talk is meant to inspire a discussion about these and other ways to improve the discovery experience within university libraries and will feature wireframes of the intended functionality.


Hajo Seng, SUB Hamburg - Extension and Modularisation of VuFind®

In order to extend VuFind® the use of VuFind®'s module-structure seems recommendable. But in some cases this approach might be not straight-forward. Examples are managing inheritances or plugins. Though we found some solutions these solutions are a bit cumbersome and somehow claim for improvement. This session is designed as an open conversation in order to collect ideas and issues and maybe lead to one or the other improvement.


Lightning Talks

  • Johannes Riedl, University Library of Tübingen - IxTheo Full Text Search
  • Mario Trojan, University Library of Tübingen - VuFind® SEO for IxTheo (Update)
  • Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay, Department of Library and Information Science, Kalyani University, India - Bibliographic Relationships based Navigation: A possibility in the forthcoming FRBRized architecture of VuFind®?
  • Julia Beck, Frankfurt University Library - VuFind® in the context of GLAM - Approaches in Linked Data

Roadmapping Session

This open discussion will help set priorities for the next VuFind® release and will offer opportunities for community members to volunteer to support various projects.

community/conferences/summit_2020.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/23 16:28 by demiankatz