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VuFind Change Log

When adding a new release, see the release checklist.

Release 7.0 - currently in development

New features:

  • Static pages can now be built using Markdown as well as PHP templates.
  • When using the optional link shortener feature, you can now configure how shortlinks redirect to full URLs (HTML-based, header-based, or conditional URL-length-based redirection). See pull request #1533.
  • Custom Feedback Forms now support help text both before and after form elements through new pre/post help configuration settings.
  • Unpaywall DOI links now include both PDF and non-PDF resources (previously, only PDFs were linked).
  • You can now choose between extra-short and more private short links via the url_shortener_key_type setting in config.ini; see pull request #1549 for details.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: Be sure to run a database upgrade to reflect table changes (see also the database changelog); if you are using the shortlinks feature, be sure to run the web-based upgrade even if you are using PostgreSQL to back-fill hashes properly.
  • :!: VuFind now requires PHP 7.2 or newer; please ensure you have a compatible version installed before upgrading.
  • :!: VuFind's session handler code has been significantly refactored to improve extensibility and testability; see pull request #1506 for details. If you have built a custom session handler, it will likely need to be adjusted; otherwise, this should not impact you.
  • :!: VuFind's jQuery version has been upgraded from 2.1.1 to 3.4.1; if you have custom jQuery code, you should double-check its compatibility.
  • :!: The \VuFindSearch\Backend\Eds\Zend2 class has been renamed to \VuFindSearch\Backend\Eds\Connector to prevent Laminas-related confusion; this should only impact you if you have made low-level changes to the EDS integration. See pull request #1546.
  • :!: The sitemap generator now uses the search service instead of direct access to the Solr connector; to support this, the constructor signature of \VuFind\Sitemap\Generator has changed, and the service is now constructed using a factory instead of hard-coded controller logic. If you have customized any of this, adjustments may be needed; see pull request #1486.
  • :!: The way feedback forms do text translation has been refactored; if you have customized this code, you may need to adjust to match. See pull request #1565.
  • The \VuFind\RecordTab\TabManager::zendConfig property has been renamed to legacyConfig to prevent Laminas-related confusion; because this property is only used for accessing obsolete configuration settings, the impact of this change is expected to be minimal… but if you have customized the TabManager, you should check for issues. See this commit for details.

Release 6.1.1 - currently in development

  • Minor bug fix release.

Release 6.1 - 2/3/2020

New features:

  • An optional Email Alerts feature can be enabled to allow users to subscribe to saved searches in order to be notified about new search results.
  • Combined Multi-Column Search now optionally supports search types (author, title, subject, etc.).
  • Users can now change their email addresses in their accounts (though this feature is disabled by default – see the config.ini change_email setting and pull request #1401 for details).
  • The filter interface changes introduced in release 6.0 have been further improved, making the user experience more consistent.
  • Added “Email” authentication method to allow login by receiving a link in an email (see pull request #1409 and pull request #1520).
  • Added “PasswordAccess” authentication method to allow login using a single credential rather than a username/password combination (see pull request #1394).
  • Added “RecommendLinks” recommendation module, offering a simple mechanism for displaying a static link list.
  • You can now embed meta tags for Google Scholar and other services by configuring metadata.ini (see pull request #1529 for details).
  • It is now possible to limit site permissions on a global or controller-specific basis through configuration files, making it easier to manage protected content. See pull request #1395 for details.
  • Improved support for running VuFind behind a reverse proxy (such as Apache's mod_proxy); see pull request #1429 for details.
  • Added a DOI Linker plugin for Unpaywall.
  • Added support for storing VuFind sessions in Redis.
  • Hierarchical facets sort options can now be configured independently for search results, home page listings and advanced search options; see pull request #1389.
  • Various Alma ILS driver improvements (including the ability to use Alma as an OpenURL resolver).
  • ILS drivers can now differentiate between electronic and physical holdings (see the getHolding driver method documentation for details). This is currently supported by the Alma driver.
  • The Solr search configuration in searchspecs.yaml now supports munge rules for Dismax queries (see pull request #1419).
  • Upgraded to SolrMarc 3.3, fixing some bugs and adding some new syntax features.
  • The OAI-PMH Server now supports a new “delete_lifetime” setting to expire old deleted records, preventing them from slowing down harvests (see pull request #1496).
  • Added Croatian and Hindi language support to the user interface.
  • Added support for ISMNs (International Standard Music Numbers) and National Bibliography Numbers to the cover image loader (see pull request #1451).
  • Introduced the Wikimedia Composer Merge Plugin to help developers add dependencies to local VuFind instances more easily. This has no impact on end users; see pull request #1425 for more details.
  • VuFind's controllers and controller plugins now respect the same “-aware” interfaces as other VuFind plugins, making it possible to auto-inject loggers, etc. (see pull request #1441).
  • The “Search2” secondary Solr backend (see Combining Search Types) is now fully compatible with Hierarchies and Collections; see pull request #1478.
  • Support for profiling (a tool for developers) has been updated; see pull request #1487.
  • Improved PHP 7.3 and 7.4 compatibility.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: Be sure to run a database upgrade to reflect table changes (see also the database changelog).
  • :!: The new email login capability adds some new features to the authentication logic along with some minor refactoring; if you have custom authentication code, you should review pull request #1409 to be sure you are not impacted by it.
  • :!: Templates related to search filters have been changed significantly to fix a bug introduced in release 6.0 and to improve the revised functionality; if you have customized the filters.phtml template, or a template that includes filters.phtml, you should adjust to match the changes in pull request #1482, pull request #1499 and pull request #1500 (plus this subsequent bug fix commit).
  • :!: Low-level filtering/validation of parameters was introduced by pull request #1518. This should have no impact on normal activity within the system, but if you encounter unexpected parameter processing behavior, you should investigate these changes.
  • :!: The itemLimit setting used for paginating holdings in some ILS drivers (Alma/Demo) has been moved from the “Holds” configuration to the more appropriate “Holdings” configuration. If you have taken advantage of this feature in a custom driver or if you have changed it in your driver's .ini file, you should move the setting – see PR #1463.
  • :!: To fix a minor bug, the $messages property of VuFind\Form\Form has been redefined – it now contains raw, untranslated messages instead of fully translated messages (see pull request #1534). If you have extended the class and added values to this property, you may need to make adjustments to avoid double translation.
  • Some minor improvements have been made to item status display logic; if you notice an unexpected change in behavior, see pull request #1466 for details.
  • Some changes to record collection creation have been made for performance reasons, but they should not change behavior; see #1488 for details.
  • The title_sort field MARC indexing rule has been made more explicit, instead of using a custom method. In the unlikely event that you have customized the getSortableTitle method in SolrMarc, you may need to adjust your settings. See pull request #1393.
  • The default controller permission is now “null” rather than “false” – this is functionally identical, but it is a change needed to support the new configuration options in pull request #1395. In the unlikely situation that you have customized a controller with an accessPermission property of false, you will be unable to override it with the new configuration settings unless you change the value to null first.
  • Also related to pull request #1395: if you have extended a controller simply to change its accessPermission value, you should now be able to use the new permissionBehavior.ini controllerAccess setting instead to reduce the amount of custom code in your instance.
  • The mechanism for detecting when VuFind is in lightbox mode has been unified; this should not impact downstream code, but if you encounter lightbox problems, see pull request #1405.
  • The HierarchicalFacetHelper::sortFacetList method's signature has changed slightly, but in a backward-compatible way. In the very unlikely event that you have extended this service, you may need to make adjustments. See pull request #1389.
  • The way the VuFind theme system overrides Zend Framework functionality has been simplified significantly (see pull request #1436), but there should be no functional differences.

Press Release

Release 6.0.1 - 9/16/2019

  • Minor bug fix release.
  • Includes some minor security improvements.

Release 6.0 - 7/15/2019

New features:

  • Significant improvements to the display of active filters in search results, moving the list out of the facet sidebar and into the space beneath the search bar for clarity, and replacing the confusing “Retain Current Filters” checkbox with a more intuitive “Reset Filters” button.
  • Optional integration with the third-party Overdrive eBook service.
  • Introduction of an optional (off by default) mechanism to shorten links shared in text messages and emails (see pull request #1372).
  • Minor improvements to the custom feedback form feature (support for new input elements, better translation, etc.).
  • Minor improvements to the OAI-PMH server (including better performance and the new default_query, page_size and record_format_filters settings).
  • Improved format determination for MARC records (see pull request #1209).
  • Improved compatibility with MySQL 8 (though legacy authentication mode / default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password is required).
  • Users can now be optionally required to verify their email addresses when registering for accounts in VuFind's internal user database. (This is disabled by default – see pull request #1354).
  • New settings have been added to searchbox.ini to support optgroup grouping in the combined search handler drop down menu.
  • Added a new “ComponentParts” tab to the record view (disabled by default), which can be enabled in combination with simple container linking to display whole/part relationships in more detail. See pull request #1339.
  • Added a new recommendation module for linking to third-party searches (for example, to direct to an external site when an internal search yields no results). See pull request #1385 for details.
  • An example of batch-loading XML records from OJS is now included (see pull request #1352).
  • Significant improvements (and new configuration settings) for the Alma and SierraRest ILS drivers.
  • Addition of simple “lint_marc” command line utility for detecting errors in MARC files.
  • The ability for the user to set a preferred home library can now be disabled through the set_home_library setting in config.ini (see pull request #1347).

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: VuFind now requires PHP 7.1 or newer; make sure your server can support this before upgrading!
  • :!: The Solr schema has changed, so records must be reindexed after an upgrade. See the index schema changelog for more details.
  • :!: Be sure to run a database upgrade to reflect table changes (see also the database changelog).
  • :!: As noted above, the display of active filters has been significantly redesigned; if you have customized this, you may need to revise your local templates. See pull request #1265 and pull request #1377 for more details.
  • :!: Facet labels are now displayed based on a labelSections configuration setting instead of through hard-coded activateAllFacets() methods in the Search Params classes. This makes it easier to ensure that facet fields are labeled correctly in all contexts. Be careful that you remove any references to activateAllFacets from custom code/templates, as the method no longer exists. See pull request #1291 for details.
  • :!: Record tabs are now configured through a RecordTabs.ini file, instead of through the Zend Framework module.config.php files. This makes configuration significantly less complicated – see pull request #1370. If you have any custom tab configurations, you should move them out of your local module's configuration and into a local copy of RecordTabs.ini.
  • :!: The signature of the getHolding ILS driver method has been changed to include an options array, and the return format has been adjusted to support optional pagination. Custom drivers may need to be adjusted for compatibility with these changes. See pull request #1358 for details.
  • :!: Several methods deprecated in earlier releases have been removed; see pull request #1314 for details.
  • :!: OAI-PMH server classes are now defined as top-level services so they can be more easily extended/overridden. This has changed the constructor signature and added an init method. Additionally, responses are now constructed in a different way for improved performance, replacing the showResponse() method with a createResponse() method. If you have customized OAI-PMH server code, you will have to adjust to match; see pull request #1237 and pull request #1356 for details.
  • :!: As noted above, pull request #1209 changes the default format determination rules for MARC records; if you have customized this or have a custom marc.properties, you may wish to double-check that the new method is being used and meets your needs.
  • :!: The constructor signature of the VuFind\Record\Router has changed, because it no longer depends upon the VuFind\Record\Loader (see pull request #1364).
  • :!: Buttons for performing actions on records have been re-styled for consistency and easier customization; if you have changed markup or styles on these controls, you may need to revise your customizations. See pull request #1379 for details.
  • The VuFindSearch\Query\QueryInterface has been expanded to account for text normalization. Custom subclasses are unlikely, but if you have built one, it will need adjustment. See pull request #1391 for details.
  • The custom Java indexing code for tracking record changes has been updated to use java.time.LocalDateTime instead of java.util.Date for clarity; see pull request #1349 for details.
  • All static factory methods have been replaced with standard reusable Zend Framework factory classes. This shouldn't break anything, but if you have overridden any factories, you should review whether you can eliminate that local code and simply reuse an existing class.
  • The 'suppressDisplay' attribute of filters (originally introduced to hide certain advanced EDS parameters) was not working correctly and was not needed (since seeing these parameters is actually useful), so it has been eliminated; see this commit.
  • The 'vufindrecord' route definition has been removed (see this commit); this was intended for legacy compatibility after standardizing the name of the default record source from 'VuFind' to 'Solr' in release 3.0 and is very unlikely to still be needed in correctly upgraded instances.

Press Release

Release 5.1.1 - 5/6/2019

  • Minor bug fix/translation improvement release.
  • The automatic LESS to SCSS conversion process has been refined to eliminate bugs in the output. Special comment-based markers are now used to differentiate LESS-specific from SCSS-specific code in the few cases where automatic conversion is not possible. See pull request #1316 for details.
  • SolrMarc full text indexing has been adjusted to prevent a crash caused by newer versions of Tika; see VUFIND-1330.
  • Some problems with the new AJAX account information feature from 5.1 have been corrected; if you are using this new feature, please upgrade.

Release 5.1 - 2/4/2019

New features:

  • Status updates on fines, holds, overdues, etc. can now load dynamically into the user account menu to highlight important information; an alert icon can appear in the header even when the user is outside of the account area. This feature is on by default but can be disabled through the enableAjax setting under [Authentication] in config.ini. (See pull request #966 for implementation details).
  • New “SideFacetsDeferred” option to load facet data asynchronously, which may improve performance in some environments (off by default; see pull request #1246 for details).
  • ILS drivers can now report “last pickup” dates for holds (currently supported by SierraRest driver).
  • New DOI Linker plugin interface for providing full text links and contextual information based on record DOIs; currently implemented using the BrowZine service. See this commit and this commit for more details.
  • New Configurable Feedback Forms, greatly extending the existing feedback functionality.
  • New Plugin Code Generator to automatically create and configure custom VuFind plugins; see also pull request #1247.
  • VuFind's OAI-PMH server now supports an oai_vufind_json metadata format which allows harvesting of JSON objects formatted using VuFind's API configuration. This is disabled by default but can be turned on using the vufind_api_format_fields setting in config.ini. See pull request #1241 for details.
  • An experimental, proof-of-concept FOLIO ILS driver has been created; best practices for data loading still need to be determined, and some details may change as the FOLIO platform develops further.
  • VuFind now deals more gracefully with changes to Summon record IDs (a normal side effect of reindexing on the Summon side).
  • Added cover image loader plugin using BrowZine service to fill in cover images based on ISSN when enabled.
  • Added example configurations for importing DSpace DIM metadata (see pull request #1238).
  • Added Vietnamese language support to the user interface.
  • Upgraded to SolrMarc 3.2 (improves Java 9/10 compatibility).
  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.4.0 (fixes some minor problems).

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: Be sure to run a database upgrade to reflect table changes (see also the database changelog).
  • :!: The default retrieval mode in sitemap.ini has changed from “terms” to “search.” This is because the “search” mode is more broadly compatible (“terms” ignores hidden filters). However, the “terms” mode is much faster. If you do not need the full-featured “search” mode, you may wish to adjust this configuration if you regularly generate sitemaps but do not already have a custom sitemap.ini.
  • :!: The data format returned by VuFind\ILS\Connection::getMyTransactions has changed to support pagination. The underlying ILS driver interface is backward-compatible; drivers can be upgraded to support pagination, but this is not strictly necessary. If you have custom code calling this function, you will need to adjust it.
  • :!: Some facet-related templates and Javascript functions have been moved around and adjusted for greater flexibility. (See, for example, this commit and pull request #1246). If you have customized the SideFacets recommendation module, some adjustments may be needed.
  • The behavior that hides the facet sidebar in narrow screen widths (such as mobile size) has been adjusted to use a button instead of a wide border (see PR #999). This may impact custom templates and CSS if you have made significant layout customizations.
  • The internals of VuFind\Sitemap\Generator have been refactored and improved; if you have overridden this class, you may need to adjust your subclass to match.
  • The internals of the VuFind\Record\Loader have been refactored for clarity; however, none of the method signatures have changed. If you have overridden any methods in a custom subclass, you should review this commit.
  • All cookies except for those related to the book bag functionality are now flagged as HttpOnly to help prevent XSS attacks; this should not affect anyone unless they have custom functionality to edit cookies in Javascript code. The feature can be disabled through config.ini if necessary but is enabled by default. See pull request #1243 for more details.
  • The MyResearch/Fines display's template has been refactored for greater flexibility; if you have customized it, you may wish to make adjustments (though the underlying data structure has not been changed). See pull request #1251.
  • The import-marc-auth scripts (for both Linux and Windows) now correctly account for the solr.indexer.properties setting in import_auth.properties, appending to it rather than completely overriding it. If you do authority record importing, you should double-check that it still works as expected, though behavior changes are unlikely unless you have customized something.

Press Release

Release 5.0.1 - 10/10/2018

  • Minor bug fix release.

Release 5.0 - 7/16/2018

New features:

  • Users can view their circulation history in “My Account” (when supported by the ILS and enabled in the configuration). This is disabled by default for privacy reasons. See pull request #1031 and getMyTransactionHistory in the ILS driver spec for implementation details.
  • Users may now delete their own accounts through the “Profile” page (when the new account_deletion setting is turned on; this is disabled by default). See pull request #1105 for details.
  • User session data may now be encrypted by turning on the secure setting in the [Session] section of config.ini (see pull request #1200).
  • Last login date and method are now stored in the database to assist with user management.
  • The Channels interface has been significantly improved, with bug fixes and a more streamlined look and feel.
  • New ILS-driven channel providers: new items, recently returned items, trending items.
  • The content of the search home page (facet lists, ILS status warnings, etc.) is now much more configurable and easier to customize through the introduction of a new Content Block plugin mechanism.
  • Geographic functionality now uses Leaflet instead of OpenLayers and has some richer functionality, including better representation of search results and the ability to choose custom base maps.
  • The Ex Libris Alma ILS is now supported.
  • The new “Search2” backend allows a second Solr index to be configured in VuFind through a new Search2.ini file. This is useful for connecting to a third-party Solr index or for managing two separate indexes in a combined search scenario.
  • Support for Relais interlibrary borrowing (see pull request #1137).
  • Support for loading summaries and tables of contents from Syndetics. See pull request #456 for details.
  • A new 'extendclass' generator has been added, making it easier than ever to override services and plugins in your custom module.
  • The RecordDataFormatter view helper now supports a new 'Multi' renderType which offers new options for customizing record displays of complex data.
  • The AuthorityRecommend module now returns more complete suggestions (see pull request #1166).
  • Hierarchical collections now support advanced facet features consistent with other modules of VuFind (see pull request #1040).
  • Upgraded to Solr 7.3.1.
  • Upgraded to SolrMarc 3.1.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: The minimum required PHP version has been raised to 7.0.8; make sure you are running an up-to-date version before upgrading.
  • :!: You should rebuild your index due to the new Solr version. If using authority records, be sure to reindex those as well and confirm that any custom solr_auth.properties file includes a “record_format = marc” line (see the changes to the authority Solr schema).
  • :!: The new Solr version may issue a warning about operating system limits; see Starting and Stopping Solr for some notes on how to configure around these warnings.
  • :!: Be sure to run a database upgrade to reflect table changes (see also the database changelog).
  • :!: Some changes have been made to support the upgrade to Zend Framework's Service Manager v3.
    • Because the new ServiceManager has case-sensitive service names, the way VuFind retrieves most services has changed significantly. See the service name migration page for details. If you have services overridden in a custom module, you will need to adjust your names to match.
    • VuFind's static initializer methods in VuFind\ServiceManager\Initializer have been replaced with Initializer classes (see pull request #1066).
    • Default plugin manager configurations have been moved out of module.config.php and into the appropriate plugin manager classes. These settings can still be overridden through module.config.php as before, but this makes the core VuFind module configuration significantly more concise.
    • Many static factory methods have been replaced by factory classes for cleaner design.
    • The factory classes for Search Params and Results objects assume that the Options/Params/Results trio exists in the same namespace. If you override a Params object without overriding the corresponding Options, or if you override Results without also overriding Options and Params, you can set up aliases in your configuration to map the custom namespace to point to the appropriate core classes.
    • Adding a setPluginManager method to a plugin no longer auto-injects the plugin manager; use a factory instead (see pull request #1069).
    • A VuFind\Search\BackendRegistry class has been added to replace the scoped service manager that was previously used (scoped service managers are no longer supported). See pull request #1068.
    • The initialization of the ResultFeed view helper (used for building RSS feeds) has been adjusted (see pull request #1072).
    • The getSuggestions() method has been moved from \VuFind\Autocomplete\PluginManager to a new \VuFind\Autocomplete\Suggester class for cleaner design.
  • :!: The record driver class hierarchy has been refactored so that non-Solr drivers inherit from DefaultRecord instead of from SolrDefault. If you have custom SolrDefault templates in your theme, you should rename their folder to DefaultRecord. You should also double-check custom SolrDefault record tab settings in module.config.php, and any custom classes you have built extending SolrDefault. Note that for Solr-based records, extending SolrDefault is still the correct course of action. See this pull request for details on the refactoring.
  • :!: The authority-related record driver has been refactored to allow support of non-MARC authority records. If you have a custom subclass of \VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrAuth, you should change it to extend \VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrAuthMarc. If you have custom templates in the RecordDriver/SolrAuth directory, you should move them to RecordDriver/SolrAuthDefault or RecordDriver/SolrAuthMarc. See pull request #1215 for details.
  • :!: Record driver / ILS connectivity is now set up with the help of VuFind\RecordDriver\IlsAwareDelegatorFactory. If you extend/override the VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrMarc class, be sure to configure this delegator for use with your subclass in your local module's module.config.php. If you set up a new subclass using the extendclass code generator, this will be done for you automatically.
  • :!: It is now possible to build AJAX functionality as AJAX Handler plugins; the AjaxController has been refactored to use this new mechanism. See pull request #1138 for details.
  • :!: AJAX responses have been revised in two important ways: all data values are now keyed arrays to support better extensibility, and internal status codes have been eliminated in favor of using standard HTTP statuses. If you have custom AJAX Javascript and/or handlers, they may need to be adjusted. See pull request #1189 for more details.
  • :!: Templates for displaying lists of facet values have been refactored for clarity and consistency; local customizations may need to be adjusted.
  • :!: When enabled, the “change password” option is now a button on the user Profile page rather than an option in the account side menu.
  • :!: VuFind's templates now use full <?php open tags instead of short <? open tags. This complies with best PHP practices and makes compatibility with php-fpm in newer Linux distributions easier. You can use php-cs-fixer to automatically update your own templates if you need to.
  • :!: The HoldingsILS RecordTab template has been significantly refactored for greater flexibility; see pull request #1100 for details.
  • :!: The RecordDataFormatter view helper's getData method return value format has changed; see pull request #1168 for details. Some custom templates may need to be adjusted to match.
  • :!: The VuFind\Cover\Loader now accepts a VuFindHttp\HttpService object instead of a Zend\Http\Client object through its constructor (to facilitate better handling of HTTP proxies).
  • :!: The search/home.phtml template has been refactored into a collection of Content Block plugins. Custom home pages should be reimplemented using this mechanism.
  • :!: Caching of facet values for home page / advanced search use has been completely refactored; see pull request #1165 for details.
  • :!: Methods for activating facet configurations have been simplified by using smarter defaults, which may impact custom search Params objects; see pull request #1198 for details.
  • :!: The \VuFind\Date\Converter class has been moved to a separate vufind-org/vufinddate project for improved reusability. Its constructor signature has been changed, and the accompanying \VuFind\Exception\Date has been renamed to \VuFind\Date\DateException for cleaner namespacing. Minor adjustments may be needed to custom date processing code (most likely to be found in custom ILS driver subclasses).
  • :!: RefWorks exports now use a POST form instead of a URL callback; you may wish to re-test your integration, especially if you use a custom RefWorks URL in config.ini.
  • :!: The default RefWorks URL has been changed to use HTTPS instead of HTTP; if you have customized this, you may wish to adjust accordingly.
  • :!: Two unused view helpers have been removed: jqueryValidation (see this commit) and mobileUrl (see this commit). If your custom theme relies on these, you should either replace them or copy them into your local module.
  • :!: ILS driver internal caching behavior has been moved from VuFind\ILS\Driver\AbstractBase to VuFind\ILS\Driver\CacheTrait, since the logic is used by a minority of drivers. If you need this functionality in your custom driver, just add an appropriate “use” statement to the top of your driver class.
  • :!: The markup and styling for record tabs has been adjusted slightly for greater flexibility; adjustments may be needed if you have custom CSS or code in this area. See PR #1158 for details.
  • :!: If you are using geographic capabilities, it is recommended that you move configuration settings from the [Content] section of config.ini and the [MapSelection] section of searches.ini into the new geofeatures.ini. Also note that custom Javascript and templates will need to be adjusted due to the transition from OpenLayers to Leaflet.
  • :!: The ChannelsController has been significantly refactored to improve the quality of the channel loading code (see PR #1174). The front-end channels code has also been completely rewritten to leverage third-party code, improve look and feel, and fix several bugs (see PR #1190).
  • :!: Cover loading and generation has been significantly rewritten for better extensibility (see pull request #1181).
  • :!: QR code generation has been significantly rewritten to use the endroid/qr-code library (see pull request #1183).
  • :!: The getRelated method has been removed from the record drivers; the logic is now part of the related view helper. See this commit for details.
  • :!: The AuthorityRecommend module now returns data in a different format (headings only, instead of associative arrays), so custom templates may need to be adjusted; see this commit.
  • :!: The Horizon and HorizonXMLAPI ILS drivers have been updated to use PDO instead of the deprecated mssql_* functions. This may require installation of different PHP modules on your system.
  • :!: The AJAX methods getSalt and login have been removed, along with the VuFind\Crypt\RC4 class that supported them; all of this code has been unused for quite some time.
  • :!: The ClaviusSQL ILS driver is no longer being maintained or used and has been removed; it is available in a legacy/clavius branch on GitHub if anyone wishes to revive it.
  • The Solr query builder is now smarter about which fields it highlights. In support of this, the setCreateHighlightingQuery() method has been deprecated in favor of a new setFieldsToHighlight() method. See pull request #1078 for details.
  • Search history management has been refactored to a service, instead of being built into the SearchController; see pull request #1018.
  • The $marcRecord property of the SolrMarc record driver (deprecated since release 2.5) has been completely removed; use getMarcRecord() instead.
  • To improve performance, hierarchy support for non-Javascript browsers has been turned off by default; it can be enabled with the nonJavascriptSupportEnabled setting in config.ini. See pull request #1145 for details.
  • The ZF2_PATH environment variable is no longer supported (though it is unlikely anyone ever used it). Loading an external copy of Zend Framework components does not make sense now that VuFind relies on Composer.

Press Release

Release 4.1.3 - 6/11/2018

  • Minor bug fix/translation update release.
  • Fixes PHP 7.2 compatibility issues.

Release 4.1.2 - 1/29/2018

  • Minor bug fix/security release.

Release 4.1.1 - 11/20/2017

  • Minor bug fix release.

Release 4.1 - 10/2/2017

New features:

  • Added support for searching BrowZine from within VuFind; useful for adding a “Journals” column to a Combined search screen.
  • New Alphabrowse channel provider to allow a simple form of virtual shelf browsing.
  • The Channels home page may now be cached to improve performance (on by default; see channels.ini).
  • Improvements to performance of the asset pipeline.
  • Integration of the Whoops error handler for more detailed debug information after unexpected exceptions (only active in development mode).
  • More flexible configuration options for permission handling; you can now configure how denied permissions are managed in templates and controllers. See Permission Options for documentation.
  • Alphabetical browse options can now be configured to be included in the default VuFind search options drop-down on every page. See the includeAlphaBrowse setting in searchbox.ini.
  • "Mix-in" feature allowing discrete packages of templates and assets (JS/CSS/etc.) to be easily shared and incorporated into themes.
  • Command line theme compiler tool which can flatten a hierarchy of themes into a single theme for improved performance.
  • Theme generator command line tool.
  • New “SierraRest” ILS driver: an alternative to the existing Sierra driver that adds more functionality using the product's RESTful API.
  • Default Vagrant configuration to offer a simple option for creating a development instance.
  • Geographic feature improvements, including an improved drag-and-drop selection interface, an optional graticule setting, and an upgrade to OpenLayers 4.2.0.
  • Minor upgrades to several Zend Framework components; should not introduce any backward compatibility breaks.
  • Added Galician translation (not yet 100% complete).

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • AJAX routines for item status, save status and automatic OpenURL embedding now only retrieve information for visible elements, in an effort to improve responsiveness and reduce server load. Custom AJAX code in your theme may need to be adjusted to match. See pull request #950.
  • Access to Primo Central is now controlled by an access.PrimoModule permission. By default, this permission is configured to be allowed for everyone; if you have a custom permissions.ini, you may need to copy the relevant block from the default version.
  • VuFind\Controller\AbstractBase::forceLogin() has been changed from protected to public. If you have overridden this in a subclass, you will need to adjust your code to match.
  • The translated_facets[] setting is now turned on by default for supported fields in facets.ini, EDS.ini and Summon.ini to provide a more consistent i18n experience. If you have customized these config files, review and make sure that the setting is appropriate for your situation.
  • The Koha ILS driver now uses VuFind's date converter to format date strings; if you have a custom subclass, you will need to switch your service configuration to use a factory instead of an invokable.

Press Release

Release 4.0.1 - 8/28/2017

  • Minor bug fix / translation improvement release.

Release 4.0 - 7/10/2017

New features:

  • New serendipitous browsing module: the Channels interface.
  • New (beta) theme: sandal, featuring a more modern, flat look than bootprint3.
  • Swagger-based APIs for retrieving search results and record details programmatically.
  • Recommendation module to detect DOIs in search queries and redirect the user to a resolver.
  • Support for hosting static, i18n-capable pages within the VuFind framework.
  • New LocalFile cover loading option to retrieve thumbnails from disk using a path pattern (see this commit).
  • Support for using VuFind to authenticate EZproxy users.
  • Support for Shibboleth single logout.
  • Support for configurable placeholder text inside search boxes (see [SearchPlaceholder] section in config.ini).
  • Improved, more mobile-friendly “add to book bag” interface (see bookbagTogglesInSearch in config.ini; on by default but can be turned off to restore legacy interface).
  • Dynamic covers now support multiple sizes through extra configuration (see this pull request).
  • Upgraded to Solr 6.4.2.
  • Upgraded to use newer Zend Framework components.
  • Added support for profiling with Tideways as an alternative to the outdated XHProf.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: This release requires at least PHP version 5.6; please make sure you have this before upgrading.
  • :!: You should rebuild your index due to the new Solr version and minor schema changes (see also the schema changelog).
  • :!: Be sure to run a database upgrade to reflect newly added tables (see also the database changelog).
  • :!: Newer versions of Zend Framework no longer support the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface. Many services in VuFind have been refactored to receive their dependencies through their constructors, and many factories have been adjusted accordingly. You should review any custom services/plug-ins you have built and adjust them as needed. Also note that getServiceLocator() should no longer be used in controllers; instead, access the serviceLocator property directly (or better yet, refactor controllers to use dependency injection so that they do not need direct service locator access at all). For some examples, see pull requests #900, #909, #910, #918, #919 and #929.
  • :!: The jquerymobile theme has been removed due to obsolescence. If you need it, you can still access it as an unsupported legacy branch in Git.
  • :!: VuFind's built in statistics-gathering functionality has been removed; it is recommended that Google Analytics or Piwik be used instead, as these are more scalable and feature-rich. The old code can be restored from a legacy branch in Git if actually needed.
  • :!: Row gateway objects are no longer constructed by table gateway objects; instead, they have their own plugin manager. If you have customized any database row classes, you may need to adjust your configuration.
  • :!: A new RecordDataFormatter view helper has been introduced to help make displays of tabular record data more configurable. This should make many common customizations easier to maintain while also allowing more granular customization on a per-record-driver basis; however, it also adds a learning curve to customizing some templates. See the wiki page for technical details. If you have custom record driver templates, they may need to be updated. (See also this commit, which changes the way authors and their roles are rendered, and this commit, which finalizes the return format of the helper).
  • :!: The UrlQueryHelper used for generating query parameters for VuFind searches has been significantly revised for more flexibility; see pull requests #850 and #851 for details. Most significantly, the removeFacet() method has had its parameter order changed, requiring adjustments to the TopFacets.phtml and SideFacets.phtml Recommend templates.
  • :!: Some CSS styling and HTML structure has been revised in the Bootstrap-based theme to simplify markup; you should double-check your custom templates against the core versions to be sure they are in sync (see also, the css changelog).
  • :!: Some HTML markup related to the search box has been changed; previous VuFind versions had some responsive design features that required two copies of the search box to be included on the page. This caused problems, so the box has been reduced to a singleton. See this pull request.
  • :!: The data-lightbox-onclose and data-lightbox-onsubmit attributes no longer support arbitrary Javascript code; instead, for better security, you must pass in a function name. See the lightbox page and this pull request for more details.
  • :!: Some HTML markup has been revised to use the form attribute to reduce the possibility of problems related to nested forms. See this commit for details.
  • :!: Encryption functionality has been changed to use OpenSSL instead of the obsolete Mcrypt module. For most users, this should be a seamless change. However, if you are using a custom encryption method other than aes, blowfish, des, camellia, cast5 or seed, you will need to convert to one of these methods prior to upgrading. See pull request #895 for details.
  • :!: Google Maps support has been removed; use the more robust OpenLayers functionality instead. Additionally, some Solr schema changes have been made related to geographic features.
  • :!: The Voyager ILS driver now connects to the database more efficiently, and the $db property has been eliminated. If you subclass Voyager or VoyagerRestful, you must change all $this->db references to $this->getDb().
  • :!: The Voyager/VoyagerRestful ILS drivers now block patron login if the barcode status code is not 1 or 4. If your Voyager installation uses non-standard codes, you can configure this in the relevant driver .ini file. See this commit for details.
  • :!: The getAllSubjectHeadings record driver method has been given a new $extended parameter, and some implementations have been refactored to improve extensibility; if you have customized this method, see this pull request for details.
  • :!: The format for search tab data used by the SearchBox view helper has changed slightly to accommodate placeholders; if you have customized tab functionality, you may wish to consult this commit.
  • :!: Due to changes in the zend-mvc component, the 'viewmanager' service is no longer used to retrieve view-related dependencies; instead, relevant components are retrieved directly using direct service names: 'ConsoleRouteNotFoundStrategy', 'ViewResolver', 'ViewRenderer' and 'ViewHelperManager'.
  • :!: Some integration details for the zend-eventmanager component have changed to support the 3.x version; see this commit for details.
  • :!: Link Resolver Drivers have been restructured; the DriverInterface now supports some new methods, and an AbstractBase class has been introduced to provide useful default implementations. If you have a custom link resolver driver, you will likely need to update it.
  • :!: VuFind no longer ships with BeanShell indexing scripts for SolrMarc; these are redundant now that the Java code for custom routines is bundled with VuFind and compiled on-the-fly. The Java code has been refactored for ease of maintenance/readability. See SolrMarc: Custom Java Best Practices for some advice on managing your own custom Java. Note that you can still use BeanShell scripts if you wish – but switching to Java will improve performance.
  • :!: A new version of the ReCaptcha library used by VuFind has been installed; some details have changed, so custom ReCaptcha code may need to be adjusted; see this commit and this commit for details.
  • :!: If you use the @parent_yaml setting in any of your YAML files, you must put the setting name in quotes – e.g. change @parent_yaml: “file” to “@parent_yaml”: “file”. This is necessary to comply with stricter syntax checking in the latest version of the Symphony/Yaml library.
  • :!: VuFind's session cookie is now VUFIND_SESSION by default, instead of the generic PHP_SESS_ID. This can be configured through the session_name setting in config.ini. This will prevent data contamination during upgrades, since some Zend Framework objects have changed. See this commit.
  • :!: A new service has been created for saving favorites, instead of allowing the record driver object to handle this functionality; see this commit for details.
  • :!: The VuFind\Log\Logger is now built and configured by a factory; built-in self-configuration logic has been removed. If you have customized the logger, see this commit and rearrange your code accordingly.
  • :!: The $left property of VuFind\View\Helper\AbstractLayoutClass and its subclasses has been renamed to $sidebarOnLeft for clarity. If you have created a custom subclass, you may need to make adjustments.
  • :!: For clarity of naming and consistency with current Solr examples, the default Solr configuration has been changed so that the Terms component is accessible at a /terms URL instead of the old /term. This is only used for sitemap generation and should not cause any problems as long as your solrconfig.xml comes from the same version as the rest of your VuFind code.
  • Switching VuFind into “ILS offline” mode has been significantly redesigned to detect a broader range of possible problems; this should not introduce any backward compatibility breaks (unless you are overriding the VuFind\ILS\Connection class, which is unlikely), but it may cause VuFind to behave differently under some failure scenarios. See this commit for details.
  • Command line utilities now make better use of native Zend Framework routing, and the custom VuFind-specific filename-based router has been eliminated. See this pull request.
  • The logic for dealing with account blocks in the ILS driver has been revised. If your ILS driver uses the special 'block' value when handling requests (holds, recalls, etc.) it will need to be revised to implement the getRequestBlocks method instead. See this pull request.
  • The format of the data array returned by the \VuFind\ILS\Logic\Holds class (usually accessed through the getRealTimeHoldings record driver method) has been revised; it now contains 'blocks' and 'holdings' keys instead of simply consisting of holdings. Custom templates may need to be adjusted to match.
  • \VuFind\ILS\Driver\VoyagerRestful::getRemoteCallSlips has been renamed to getCallSlips and given a parameter to allow optional retrieval of local as well as remote slips. This should only affect you if you have subclassed the VoyagerRestful driver and customized functionality related to callslips.
  • \VuFind\ILS\Driver\Voyager::processHoldingData has had the default value of the $patron parameter changed from false to null; if you have subclassed the driver and overridden this method you should adjust to match. See this commit.
  • The “terms” method of the Solr search backend has been made more flexible, but it should be fully backward-compatible. See this commit for details.
  • Some no-longer-used custom indexing code/configuration related to an obsolete OCLC system serving LC name authority records has been removed. See this commit.
  • The default holdings_grouping setting in the [Catalog] section of config.ini has been changed from “holdings_id” to “holdings_id,location” for improved accuracy (most users will be unaffected).
  • The checkILLRequestIsValid / checkRequestIsValid / checkStorageRetrievalRequestIsValid ILS driver methods now can optionally return an array with a custom status message. This does not break backward compatibility with the old boolean return values.
  • Some status-related blocked*Action() controller methods have been eliminated, as they are no longer needed.

Press Release

Release 3.1.4 - 7/5/2017

  • Minor bug fix release.

Release 3.1.3 - 3/13/2017

  • Minor bug fix/translation expansion release.

Release 3.1.2 - 1/16/2017

  • Minor bug fix/translation expansion release.
  • Includes upgrade to SolrMarc v3.0.6.

Release 3.1.1 - 10/31/2016

  • Minor bug fix release.
  • Includes upgrade to SolrMarc v3.0.2.

Release 3.1 - 9/26/2016

New features:

  • New optional mechanism to explore/sort facet lists (currently supported for Solr and Summon). See this pull request for details.
  • New optional “asset pipeline” to combine and compress CSS and Javascript files for improved performance. Off by default; see the new asset_pipeline setting in config.ini (and this commit) for details.
  • The SolrMarc indexing tool has been upgraded to version 3.0.1, a major release that adds greatly improved performance and significant new features.
  • Indexing of MARC relator terms has been improved.
  • New optional feature (off by default) to dynamically embed full record information into search results and favorite lists instead of loading a separate record page. See this commit for details.
  • Improved geographic functionality: existing Google Maps functionality has been updated to reflect API changes, and new experimental OpenLayers-based modules have been added which include more robust features. See pull request #722 for details/history.
  • New (somewhat experimental) KohaILSDI ILS driver, which uses Koha's ILS-DI API for augmented functionality. The plain Koha driver still remains for users with older Koha systems that do not support the API.
  • New PAIA ILS driver, implementing the PAIA specification as an extension of the DAIA driver.
  • New settings to enforce specific password patterns; see this commit.
  • Optional setting to link displayed call numbers to a specific browse index. See this commit.
  • Added optional first/last navigation to supplement next/prev navigation on the record page (for moving through the current set of search results); see the first_last_navigation setting in config.ini.
  • Tag search now supports wildcards.
  • Support for faceting authority records using new RDA values.
  • Improvements to web accessibility within Bootstrap3 theme.
  • Sidebar facet lists now stay collapsed/expanded across searches/pages for more consistent user experience.
  • Frequently used record tabs may now be auto-loaded in the background to improve the user experience (this is off by default but can be configured through module.config.php – see this commit for details).
  • Optional support for the Solr MoreLikeThis handler allows similar item results to be displayed for sharded indexes; see this commit for details.
  • The Voyager and VoyagerRestful ILS drivers are no longer dependent on the poorly-supported PDO_OCI PHP module.
  • User comments may now optionally be protected with ReCaptcha.
  • Logger integration with Slack.
  • Search specification YAML files now support a @parent_yaml property for manually-chained inheritance.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: The new release of SolrMarc has been designed with backward compatibility in mind, but because it is a major revision, watch carefully in case of backward-incompatible changes. As of this writing, the only known differences are some minor changes to the handling of punctuation in the topic and title_sort fields, both of which seem to improve results slightly. Also note that the log4j configuration has been adjusted, so if you have customized your own logging settings, these may need to be re-examined.
  • :!: Indexing of relator terms has become more complex to support the rich data available in some records. If you see warnings during indexing time about “Unknown relators” you may need to make some adjustments to the author* settings in marc.properties and/or the synonym mappings in author-classification.ini. See comments in both of those files for details.
  • :!: Removed getController() method from the Record view helper; this has served no purpose since VuFind 2.4.x, but some meaningless references to it have lingered in templates through 3.0.x. Remove any references from your local custom templates!
  • :!: Search result and list templates (result-list.phtml and list-entry.phtml in record driver template directories, plus the wrapping templates/search/list-list.phtml) have been switched to use Bootstrap's media objects. Visual anomalies may occur if custom templates are not adjusted to utilize new styling. See this commit for details.
  • :!: Tags are now case-insensitive (and displayed in all-lowercase) by default. This works around some strange MySQL behavior in previous releases, but it marks a change in behavior for PostgreSQL users. All database platforms are now capable of supporting either case-sensitive or case-insensitive tags. If this is important to you, to ensure proper data and configuration, it is recommended that you first run the upgrade script to upgrade the configuration only (skip the database step). Then select your desired case sensitivity setting in the [Social] section of config.ini. Finally, re-run the upgrade script, skipping the configuration step. You may be prompted to merge duplicate tags (if you are moving from a case-sensitive PostgreSQL instance to a case-insensitive configuration). See VUFIND-1187 for more history on this issue.
  • :!: VuFind\View\Helper\Root\Record now has a dependency on VuFind\Cover\Router for thumbnail URL generation; if you have a custom subclass of this helper, make sure to adjust your factory to inject the additional dependency. See this commit for details.
  • :!: VuFind's session handlers must implement a disableWrites() method. This is handled in the current abstract base handler. If you have a custom subclass of VuFind\Session\AbstractBase, you should rename your write() method to saveSession(). See this commit for details.
  • :!: The formatCacheKey() ILS driver method introduced in release 3.0 has been renamed getCacheKey(). If you have a custom driver implementing this method, please rename it. See pull request #698 for details.
  • :!: The LBS4 ILS driver is now a subclass of the DAIA driver in order to allow more complete/reliable functionality; some additional configuration in LBS4.ini will be necessary to enable communication with the DAIA API.
  • :!: The Piwik view helper has been improved to track lightbox behavior in the Bootstrap3 theme; if you have customized the helper, you may need to make adjustments.
  • :!: Due to changes to the Google Maps API, all existing map-related functionality has been revised to require an API key in config.ini. See the googleMapApiKey setting in the [Content] section.
  • VuFind's OAI-PMH harvester has been moved to a separate project. It is still included with VuFind as a Composer dependency, so no functionality has changed. If you have customized the harvest code, however, you may need to adopt a different strategy.
  • The display of the format list in the Bootstrap-based themes has been significantly simplified. Custom templates might need minor adjustments.

Press Release

Release 3.0.3 - 8/1/2016

  • Minor bug fix release.

Release 3.0.2 - 7/5/2016

  • Minor bug fix release.

Release 3.0.1 - 5/27/2016

  • Added missing ReCaptcha support to Feedback module.
  • Expanded translation support (including new full Bengali translation).
  • Minor bug fixes.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • The Feedback controller and related templates were significantly changed to fix broken functionality.
  • Some details of the Javascript autocomplete control were adjusted to resolve bugs.

Release 3.0 - 4/25/2016

New features:

  • Optional record cache to improve speed/integrity of favorites by keeping local copies of records in the database.
  • Optional “privacy mode” to disable storage of personally identifying information in the database (disables many features).
  • More detailed and flexible indexing of author (and other creator) information.
  • Improved ipv6 support in permission system.
  • Dynamic debug mode: by defining the access.DebugMode permission in permissions.ini, selected users may be allowed to turn on debug with ?debug=true in the URL.
  • The combined search module now supports column-specific filtering, and multiple columns using the same search backend. Search tabs also support multiple tabs using the same search backend for compatibility with combined search. This allows tabbing between different filtered views of a single index.
  • New “RemoveFilters” recommendation module (see this commit) for recommending that users remove filters to obtain more results; this is now on by default for no-results searches.
  • New “SwitchTab” recommendation module (see this commit) for recommending that users try a different tab (when multiple tabs are enabled).
  • New optional “delimited facets” feature to allow greater control over Solr facet display and ordering (see this commit).
  • Support for more granular item availability status messages using new optional available services feature in ILS drivers.
  • Improved support for publication information in MARC 260/264 fields (see this pull request).
  • Added Buchhandel.de cover support (may require local template customization for terms of service compliance).
  • Added simple libraryh3lp recommendation module (to allow chat box on “no results” screen).
  • Upgraded to Solr 5.5.0.
  • Upgraded to SolrMarc 2.10.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: Some changes have been made to the resource table of the database; records previously stored with a 'source' value of 'VuFind' are now stored with a value of 'Solr' (for improved consistency). This breaks database compatibility with VuFind 1.x, so you can no longer share a database between 1.x and 3.x – use a 2.x release if you need this capability. You MUST run the web-based update tool (http://your-vufind-url/Upgrade) to adjust database structure and contents when upgrading from a previous release (unless you prefer to manually alter the default value and contents of the resource table's source field).
  • :!: Some other, lesser, database changes have also been made; see the database changelog for full details.
  • :!: All of VuFind's YAML Solr search specification files have been adjusted to favor the eDisMax handler when appropriate. This should result in better, more consistent search results. All legacy configurations will continue to function, but if you have customized searchspecs.yaml or one of its sibling files, you may wish to revise it to match the new defaults in order to take full advantage of eDisMax.
  • :!: The getResourceSource() method of the record drivers is now deprecated; use getSourceIdentifier() instead.
  • :!: VuFind's representation of authors has been made significantly more flexible, leading to several record driver changes:
    • getCorporateAuthor() has been replaced by getCorporateAuthors()
    • getHighlightedAuthor() has been replaced by getPrimaryAuthorsWithHighlighting()
    • Use of getPrimaryAuthor() is now discouraged in favor of getPrimaryAuthors()
  • :!: The Javascript code in the bootstrap3 theme has been significantly revised. Custom Javascript and templates in your own theme may need to be adjusted to match.
  • :!: The vufind.sh/vufind.bat control scripts for Solr have been replaced with solr.sh/solr.bat for greater naming clarity.
  • :!: Session handling has been made more efficient. If you use \Zend\Session\Container objects in your custom code, be sure that you inject them with the correct session manager instance upon construction. If you make use of \VuFind\Controller\AbstractBase::writeSession() in a custom controller, note that it has been replaced by \VuFind\Controller\AbstractBase::disableSessionWrites().
  • :!: Hidden filter functionality has been moved from the Search Options classes into the Search Params classes; any custom code calling getHiddenFilters or addHiddenFilter will need to be adjusted accordingly.
  • :!: The SearchTabs view helper has been significantly refactored; local customizations will need to be adjusted.
  • :!: The “Editions”/“WorldCatEditions” related record modules (previously on by default) and all related support functions have been removed due to the shutdown of OCLC's xID services. See VUFIND-1142 for details.
  • :!: The GetLastSearchLink view helper has been removed, replaced by a new SearchMemory helper that contains additional functionality.
  • :!: Functionality related to remembering user search parameters has been moved from \VuFind\Search\Base\Options to \VuFind\Search\Memory; thus, Options::getSession(), Options::rememberLast*() and Options::getLast*() methods no longer exist. See pull request #576 for more detail/background information.
  • :!: Some changes have been made to the Solr schema which will require reindexing – see the Schema Changelog for details.
  • :!: The default Apache configuration has been changed to use a <Location> section instead of a RewriteBase directive. This makes directory-based multi-site configuration easier. See this commit.
  • :!: The Debian package has been renamed from vufind2 to vufind, and the default path in some places has been changed from /usr/local/vufind2 to /usr/local/vufind. Keep this in mind if upgrading using packages – you can install the new “vufind” package, move over your customizations from your “vufind2” installation, then uninstall “vufind2.”
  • :!: In config.ini, the [BulkExport] enabled/options settings are now deprecated in favor of an expanded syntax in the [Export] section. If you have customized these settings, please update your configuration accordingly.
  • :!: The cover loader now accepts an array of settings in place of a long parameter list. The old parameter list is still accepted for backward compatibility, but if you have added custom parameters in a subclass, you will need to adjust the code. See this commit.
  • :!: The Primo Central backend configuration now uses the standard VuFind permissions system for authentication/authorization instead of its old custom IP regular expression logic. Additionally, the apiId and port settings have been replaced by a single url setting for connecting to the API. VuFind's configuration upgrade tool will automatically adjust for all of this, but if you use Primo and are upgrading manually, you will need to update your Primo.ini and permissions.ini appropriately. Details in this commit and this commit.
  • :!: The holdings data passed to RecordTab/holdingsils.phtml is now formatted slightly differently for simplicity; see this commit.
  • :!: The config.ini cache_dir setting in the [Cache] setting has been replaced by a VUFIND_CACHE_DIR environment variable in httpd-vufind.conf. If you use this setting, please relocate it from config.ini to httpd-vufind.conf. See this commit.
  • :!: The SwitchQuery recommendation module no longer supports “transform” methods. Now, everything is a “check” method, and a property controls which checks are opt-in and which are opt-out. Subclasses with custom transform methods will need to be adjusted. See this commit.
  • :!: The WorldCatTerms recommendation module has been removed due to the shutdown of the API that powered it.
  • :!: If you used makeDynamicCovers = 'solid' in your config.ini file and want things to look the same as before, you should look at the new [DynamicCovers] section of the configuration and adjust some settings to replicate the old behavior.
  • :!: The controller method “preDispatch” has been changed to have more descriptive names in all of the places where it is used; this prevents inheritance from causing unanticipated conflicts between event handlers. See this commit for details.
  • Default Solr facet sorting has been changed to always sort by count unless otherwise specified (see VUFIND-1128).
  • The “notes” element in the return value of getHolding in ILS drivers has been deprecated in favor of separate holdings_notes and item_notes elements. Not all drivers support this yet; for now, the old “notes” field is treated as an alias of “hodlings_notes.”
  • \VuFind\Db\Table\Search::setSavedFlag() has been removed.
  • The signature of \VuFind\Db\Table\Search::saveSearch() has changed slightly.
  • \VuFind\Search\Memory::retrieve() has been deprecated in favor of \VuFind\Search\Memory::retrieveSearch().
  • \VuFindSearch\Backend\Solr\Response\Json\NamedList::remove has been removed – it was only used in one place and did not work correctly, so this is unlikely to affect anyone (see this commit).
  • The \VuFind\ILS\Driver\VoyagerRestful::getRemoteHolds() method has been replaced by getHoldsFromApi(). It is unlikely that anyone relies on this in a custom subclass, but if anyone does, adjustments will need to be made.

Press Release

Release 2.5.4 - 4/25/2016

  • Minor Ubuntu 16.04 / PHP 7 compatibility release.

Release 2.5.3 - 4/18/2016

  • Minor bug fix / PHP 7 compatibility release.

Release 2.5.2 - 2/3/2016

Release 2.5.1 - 1/11/2016

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Changed default configurations to disable functionality tied to deprecated OCLC services (see VUFIND-1142).
  • Expanded translations.

Release 2.5 - 9/28/2015

New features:

  • Improved user interface for tagging records; users now have the ability to remove the tags they created and easily +1 tags created by others.
  • Permissions-based Solr filters can now be managed using the [ConditionalHiddenFilters] section of searches.ini.
  • New “offcanvas” menus for responsive bootstrap3/bootprint3 theme, optionally activated via offcanvas setting in Site section of config.ini.
  • Improved phone number validation in SMS dialogs using libphonenumber.
  • Users can manage multiple ILS accounts within a single VuFind account through the optional “library cards” feature.
  • New AlphaBrowseLink recommendation module to display a link to the alphabetical heading browse above search results.
  • New configuration option to use special default sort for empty searches, since relevance does not apply in this context (Solr/Summon-only).
  • New configuration option (coversize in [Content] section of config.ini) to customize or disable thumbnail display without modifying themes.
  • Support for image-based linking – display of a graphic in response to a set of OpenURL parameters (where supported by the link resolver).
  • Ability to customize translation strings on a per-theme basis.
  • Added Arabic translation courtesy of KnowledgeWare Technologies, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Added basic right-to-left support for Arabic/Hebrew (Bootstrap3/Bootprint3 themes only).
  • New “high availability” options (multiple Solr URLs may be specified in config.ini to allow failover; a new AJAX system status endpoint has been introduced to assist load balancers).
  • Upgraded to Solr 4.10.4.
  • Upgraded to Zend Framework 2.4.6.
  • Upgraded bootstrap3/bootprint3 themes to version 3.3.4 of the Bootstrap library.
  • OAI-PMH harvester is now more error-tolerant and can resume an interrupted harvest.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: As noted under release 2.4, the old Blueprint theme has now been removed.
  • :!: A new \VuFind\Search\SearchRunner class has been added to manage the process of setting up Options/Params/Results objects to perform a search. See this commit for details. Possible impacts:
    • Recommendation module handling is now driven by an event system. The interface of the modules has not changed, but the way they are configured and loaded is now more streamlined. Customizations of recommendation logic in existing Options/Params/Results classes will need to be adjusted and calls to obsolete methods such as Params::recommendationsEnabled() will need to be removed.
    • The signature of the SearchObject abstract recommendation module's constructor has changed. This may impact customizations to CatalogResults, SummonResults and WebResults, or local custom modules extended from this base.
  • :!: Due to the Solr upgrade, all records should be reindexed after upgrading.
  • :!: Due to the Solr upgrade, the SolrMarc “direct write to index on disk” feature is no longer available; all indexing must be done over HTTP. (This has been the default VuFind behavior for the entire 2.x release series, so few if any users should be affected).
  • :!: OpenURL handling has been significantly rewritten. The OpenUrl view helper has taken on more responsibility in order to simplify templates using OpenURLs, a new configuration file has been added which may remove the need for some custom record driver code, the “embed counter” has been eliminated, and several record driver methods related to OpenURLs have been added, removed or renamed. Renamed methods have changed “OpenURL” to “OpenUrl” for greater consistency with function naming conventions in Zend Framework 2. If you have done any OpenURL customization, you should review it in light of these changes. See this commit for key details (with some further adjustments here, here, here and here).
  • :!: The advanced search templates have been significantly revised in the bootstrap3/bootprint3 themes. Users with customized advanced search screens may need to rework local code.
  • :!: ReCaptcha support has been updated to use the latest version of Google's API. This eliminates some functionality from the previous version (including several themes, and the ability to create a custom theme). If you use a theme option unsupported by the new version, you will get the new default instead.
  • :!: The \VuFind\Hierarchy\TreeDataSource\Solr class has been substantially refactored for improved performance. Any customizations to this class will have to be refactored to match. The new implementation uses raw Solr data instead of record drivers to reduce overhead (at the cost of some slightly redundant code) and uses separate formatter classes to produce JSON and XML output with less redundant logic.
  • :!: In the Browse module, the data sent back from the controller now has separate 'value' and 'displayText' keys instead of a single 'result' value to properly account for translation. If you have custom templates, they need to be updated. See this commit.
  • :!: The DAIA ILS driver configuration changed in release 2.4, and legacy support for the previous configuration format has been removed. If you have an old DAIA configuration, please update it. Additionally, the constructor signature has changed, so if you have overridden the driver with a local subclass, some adjustments may be needed.
  • :!: The PICA ILS driver has been removed; it seems likely that no one has ever used it, and the code was never well-maintained in the VuFind 2 code base.
  • :!: The \VuFind\I18n\Translator\TranslatorAwareTrait has been restructured to add support for text domains.
  • Related to the TreeDataSource refactoring, the getHierarchyPositionsInParents() and getTitlesInHierarchy() record driver methods are no longer needed and have been removed to prevent confusion.
  • The marcRecord property of the SolrDefault record driver has been deprecated. Use the getMarcRecord() method instead. This may affect custom subclasses of SolrDefault and WorldCat record drivers.
  • The [Delimiters] section of MultiBackend.ini is no longer used; configurable delimiters never worked correctly, so the feature has been removed.
  • The addition of the coversize setting (see this commit) has introduced template refactoring related to thumbnail display. Prior code should continue to work, but custom templates should be updated to use the new mechanism in order to take advantage of configurability.

Press Release

Release 2.4.1 - 5/25/2015

  • Several bug fixes; see JIRA for details.
  • Expanded translation files.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • The \VuFind\Hierarchy\TreeRenderer\JSTree class has been significantly rewritten to address some encoding bugs; see PR #350.

Release 2.4 - 3/23/2015

New features:

  • A new default theme: bootprint3 offers a look similar to the old blueprint theme with the added benefit of Bootstrap's responsive design.
  • Piwik analytics support.
  • DPLA recommendation module.
  • Similar items carousel on record view.
  • Support for logging in with Facebook.
  • Improved Zend Framework configuration to optimize production performance.
  • Expanded layout configuration options for combined search module.
  • Improved “send email” configuration options (allow multiple recipients, allow user-edited subjects; see the [Mail] section of config.ini).
  • Support for hierarchical (nested) facets in Solr (see facets.ini).
  • VuFind's RSS feed now includes OpenSearch response elements to allow more API-style functionality
  • Updated LibGuides module for compatibility with LibGuides2 (v1 also still supported).
  • RIS export support.
  • More flexible set definition in the OAI-PMH server.
  • Improved locale support and new configuration option for default currency (see [Site] section of config.ini).
  • New highlighting/display options in alphabetical heading browse (see this commit).
  • Improved handling of call numbers.
  • Added code generators to help automate certain common development/customization tasks.
  • Upgraded to SolrMarc 2.8.
  • Upgraded to Zend Framework 2.3.7.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: This version will require at least PHP version 5.4, a higher requirement than previous releases.
  • :!: The blueprint theme is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release; it is strongly recommended to revise your local theme to derive from either bootstrap3 (a bare-bones base theme) or bootprint3 (a more fleshed-out theme resembling blueprint) in order to make future upgrades easier.
  • :!: The AJAX authentication mechanism now sends base64-encoded passwords to solve a Unicode compatibility problem. If users have an old cached version of common.js (in bootstrap3) or lightbox.js (in blueprint) the upgrade may cause login problems.
  • :!: Call number improvements required changes to the Solr schema, so records must be reindexed after an upgrade. See the index schema changelog for more details.
  • :!: Zend Framework 2.3 changes the structure of the translator classes; any references in custom code to \Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator should be replaced with \Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface.
  • :!: Spelling suggestions are now displayed through a recommendation module rather than being hard-coded into the search results templates. This offers greater flexibility and configurability, but requires some configuration changes to ensure that spelling suggestions to not disappear. The automatic upgrade script should fix this, but if you are upgrading manually, see this pull request for details on the changes you'll have to make to custom Summon.ini and searches.ini files.
  • :!: The VuFind\Auth\Manager has been significantly refactored. If you have customized it, or classes that directly depend on it, some adjustments may be needed.
  • :!: VuFind\Auth\LDAP has been significantly refactored and custom subclasses will likely need to be rewritten.
  • :!: The constructor signatures of \VuFind\Cart and the UpgradeController have changed to reflect centralized cookie handling functionality (see this commit). This will affect custom subclasses.
  • :!: \VuFind\QRCode\Loader::getQrCode() is now \VuFind\QRCode\Loader::getImage() for consistency with \VuFind\Cover\Loader.
  • :!: \VuFind\Code\ISBN has been extracted to a separate library and renamed to \VuFindCode\ISBN. If you depend on this class, you may need to update use statements.
  • :!: The WorldCat view helper has been eliminated; it was only used by the WorldCatHoldings record tab, so the functionality was moved into \VuFind\RecordTab\WorldCatHoldings.
  • :!: Renamed and refactored \VuFind\Sitemap to \VuFind\Sitemap\Generator.
  • :!: The XCNCIP ILS driver has been removed (this was experimental and built for an obsolete version of the XC NCIP Toolkit; users should upgrade to use the more feature-complete XCNCIP2 driver, which works with the newer version of the toolkit and is still fully supported).
  • The VuFindHttp module no longer exists, replaced by a separate VuFindHttp library. All class names and functionality remain the same.
  • If you need to translate the names of locations provided by your ILS driver, you should prefix them with “location_” in your language file – i.e. location_Main Stacks = “Main Stacks”. Previous versions of VuFind did not uniformly apply this prefixing convention. If you do not need to translate location names, no action is necessary.
  • The Google/HathiTrust/OpenLibrary preview code has been refactored. If your record driver included a custom preview.phtml template, you will need to make some changes to reflect the new model.
  • The \VuFind\Cover\Loader determines the location of its cache files slightly differently (it no longer appends '/covers' to the directory provided to the constructor, instead assuming that the full path will be passed in).
  • The search backend for EBSCO Discovery Service has been significantly refactored.
  • The authentication modules now implement a validateCredentials() method which is designed to be a no-side-effects alternative to authenticate(). If you have a custom authentication module that maintains an internal state, you may need to implement a custom validateCredentials() method. See ChoiceAuth for an example of how this is used.

Press Release

Release 2.3.1 - 11/17/2014

  • Several bug fixes; see JIRA for details.
  • Expanded translation files.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • Several large-scale fixes to the Bootstrap3 theme have introduced significant template changes; if you are using this theme, be sure to double-check compatibility with local custom templates and Javascript.
  • The \VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrMarc::getFieldData() method no longer uses its second parameter (due to refactoring in support of the VUFIND-1034 bug fix). This should be a seamless change, but in the extremely unlikely case that you have overridden the method, be sure you do not rely on $value.

Release 2.3 - 8/11/2014

New features:

  • Added support for Ex Libris Primo Central discovery service.
  • Added support for EBSCO EDS and EIT APIs.
  • Added support for searching LibGuides via API.
  • New themes based on Bootstrap 3 (to replace the earlier experimental Bootstrap 2-based themes)
  • Added support for password recovery and user-initiated password change (only when using DB authetication; off by default).
  • Added support for ReCAPTCHA in several places (off by default).
  • Optional dynamic cover image generation (off by default).
  • Storage retrieval requests (aka “call slips”) and Interlibrary Loan (aka “universal borrowing”) are now supported by the VoyagerRestful ILS driver (and infrastructure is in place so that equivalent functionality can be added to other drivers in the future).
  • “Visual” view featuring treemap navigation (off by default).
  • Configurable citation formats (including new support for Chicago Style).
  • Social features (comments/tags/favorites) may now be turned off via configuration.
  • Added support for loading cover images based on ISSN, UPC and/or OCLC number (note that UPC numbers may now be indexed into the upc_str_mv field of the Solr index).
  • MultiILS authentication module for use with MultiBackend driver.
  • Javascript session keep-alive feature (off by default).
  • Support for Solr-driven (rather than ILS-driven) “New Item” searches (configurable via searches.ini).
  • The ability to pre-filter searches with user-removable limits.
  • Improved PostgreSQL support (now supported by web-based installer).
  • Upgrade to Zend Framework 2.2.7.
  • Added checkbox facet support to advanced search screen.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: The getHoldUrl() method of the RecordLink view helper has been deprecated in favor of getRequestUrl() and some other changes to improve flexibility of holdings display have been made (see this commit); custom holdingsils.phtml templates should be updated.
  • :!: The signature of the getHolding ILS driver method has changed from ($id, $patron = false) to ($id, array $patron = null).
  • :!: Third-party content loading (book covers/reviews/excerpts) has been significantly refactored to make the code more pluggable. If you have customized the VuFind\Cover\Loader or the Reviews/Excerpt view helpers (which no longer exist in the new architecture), you will need to rework your changes to fit the new system. See this pull request for details of the changes.
  • :!: If you are using a custom Voyager/VoyagerRestful driver, be aware that the protected processHoldingData and makeItemRequests methods have changed their signatures. There have been many Voyager improvements in this release, so a general review of custom subclasses would be wise.
  • :!: If you have a custom citation list in your record driver and wish to support the new configurable citation options, rename your public getCitationFormats() method to protected getSupportedCitationFormats().
  • :!: The \VuFind\Cover\Loader::isn property has been renamed to isbn to allow it to be differentiated from issn. If you have a custom subclass, you will need to revise it. fetchFromISBN() has been renamed fetchFromAPI().
  • :!: The side effect that \VuFind\Controller\AbstractRecord::createViewModel() would omit the record driver from the view model if loadRecord() was not called first has been eliminated; createViewModel now always includes a record driver.
  • :!: \VuFind\Search\Base\Results::spellingTokens() has been moved to \VuFind\Search\Solr\SpellingProcessor::tokenize(), and the interface of \VuFind\Search\Solr\SpellingProcessor::processSuggestions() has been changed to accept a raw search string rather than a tokenized array – this better encapsulates spelling logic.
  • :!: View templates have been updated to use the escapeHtmlAttr helper instead of escapeHtml when escaping text within HTML attributes. Custom templates should be updated to match.
  • :!: The latest Solr browse handler does not work with Java 1.6. If you have problems starting Solr or generating browse indexing after your upgrade, you may want to upgrade to Java 1.7 or try manually recompiling the .jar files as documented at the browse handler's GitHub page.
  • The /update/json endpoints exposing the solr.JsonUpdateRequestHandler in the biblio and website Solr cores have been removed. The JsonUpdateRequestHandler has been deprecated and is no longer necessary. The removal of this endpoint should not affect any core VuFind functionality but may require reconfiguration for users running the RecordManager tool.
  • All module.config.php files have been rewritten to avoid the use of closures. This improves the possibility of caching configurations. If you have local modules with their own configurations, it would be wise to make similar changes there. However, failing to make this change shouldn't break anything.
  • Handling of date ranges on advanced search screens has changed (see VUFIND-627).
  • The VuFind\I18n\Translator\Loader\ExtendedIni translation loader has been significantly rewritten.
  • The protected process() method of \VuFind\Date\Converter has been changed to public convert().
  • Support for embedded video clips has been removed – Syndetics was the only supported content provider and has discontinued the service.
  • The Syndetics url setting in config.ini has been replaced with a use_ssl setting; the upgrade script should automatically take care of migrating old url settings.
  • The WorldCat search connector constructor parameters have changed to reflect the removal of the non-functional LimitCodes setting.

Press Release

Release 2.2.1 - 2/26/2014

Bug fix release, primarily addressing lightbox issues in the Bootstrap/Bootprint themes.

Release 2.2 - 1/27/2014

New features:

  • Added Bootstrap-based themes (experimental)
  • Expanded facet functionality: OR/NOT facets may be enabled (instead of/in addition to default AND facets), and facet areas may be configured to be collapsible in the interface.
  • schema.org microdata integration.
  • Tag management tools in admin module.
  • Optional QR code support for convenient smartphone record linking.
  • Support for CAS authentication.
  • Support for allowing user-selected authentication methods (multiple parallel authentication options).
  • Support for Solr's Extended DisMax search handler (disabled by default).
  • Upgrade to Zend Framework 2.2.5.
  • Added support for new Summon features: Topic Explorer, query expansion, language-specific relevance ranking, etc.
  • Expanded functionality in OAI-PMH harvest tool.
  • New recommendation module: SwitchQuery, to suggest alternate queries that may return more/better results.
  • Added Slovene translation; significantly expanded Brazilian Portuguese translation.
  • Assorted minor bug fixes and improvements.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • :!: All Solr DateField types have been changed to TrieDateField. This means that you should completely rebuild your index to avoid search problems. See VUFIND-546.
  • Templates used for the authentication (login/account creation) interface have been changed to support the new ChoiceAuth option; custom login forms may need to be readjusted to reflect new template names and layouts.
  • Spellcheck behavior in the Solr search backend and related search classes has been significantly refactored (see VUFIND-840 and this commit).
  • Lucene query manipulation logic has been moved from the Solr query builder to its own helper class; this also affects the Summon query builder, which now makes use of the shared helper (see VUFIND-937 and this commit).
  • In the Options/Params/Results search classes, Results::createBackendParameters() has been replaced by Params::getBackendParameters() for all modules using the VuFindSearch system (see this commit).
  • The Solr “stats” core (used for collecting statistics) is now disabled by default. Collecting stats in Solr is not recommended, but if you wish to use this mechanism, you must now turn it on in solr/solr.xml first.
  • The VuFind\Search\Memory class is now accessed as a Zend Framework service rather than being used statically (see VUFIND-883).
  • Default record tabs can now be set from within module.config.php; the old $this→defaultTab in record controllers has become $this→fallbackDefaultTab; see VUFIND-777.
  • The Sitemap generator's constructor parameters have changed; see VUFIND-656.
  • The Aleph ILS driver's constructor parameters have changed.
  • The code which represents user lists using VuFind's internal facet mechanism has been removed in favor of a simpler solution for rendering the “Your Lists” section of the MyResearch menu.

Press Release

Release 2.1.1 - 9/9/2013

This bug fix release solves some problems in the combined search type functionality, hierarchy tree display, and favorite list maintenance.

Release 2.1 - 8/26/2013

New features:

  • Upgrade to SolrMarc 2.6.
  • Upgrade to Zend Framework 2.2.1.
  • Support for combining search types into multi-column displays, custom search type drop-downs, tabbed search boxes, etc.
  • New Solr core for indexing websites (with simple sitemap.xml-based crawling tool).
  • Expanded information visible in the alphabetical browse lists (titles in call number browse, author in title browse, etc.).
  • Support for Booksite content integration.
  • Basic support for Pazpar2 integration.
  • New ILS driver for Polaris.
  • Improved support for using PostgreSQL instead of MySQL.
  • Improved Summon support (“Best Bets” recommendations, fixed cover API, etc.)
  • Added partial Danish translation.
  • Assorted minor bug fixes and improvements.

Possible backward compatibility breaks:

  • change to Solr highlighting query generation.
  • change to renderSpellingSuggestions() method in search() view helper in Blueprint theme.
  • change to search/searchbox.phtml template to support new flexible search handler drop-down feature.
  • minor adjustments to initialization/registration of VuFindSearch\Service.

Press Release

Release 2.0.1 - 6/25/2013

  • Addresses Solr configuration errors present in 2.0.
  • Expands language files slightly.

Release 2.0 - 6/24/2013

  • Upgrade to a newer version of Solr (4.2.1) and Jetty (8.1.8).
  • Refinements to search service architecture (error event, more granular parameter handling).
  • Built-in Google Analytics support.
  • Significantly improved Horizon ILS driver.
  • Addition of “generator” meta tag in output.
  • Support for RDA 264 field.
  • Auto-detection of preferred user language.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

Press Release

Release 2.0RC1 - 4/29/2013

  • New search service architecture.
  • Support for hierarchies and collections (consistent with the 1.4 release).
  • Upgraded to newer versions of SolrMarc and Zend Framework 2.
  • Security improvements (safer password storage, optional login requirement before emailing).
  • New “MultiBackend” ILS driver for connecting multiple ILSes to a single VuFind instance.
  • Enhanced/fixed or added Clavius, Horizon, NewGenLib and Voyager ILS drivers.
  • Tika full text import support (supplemental to existing Aperture support).
  • EndNote Web export support.
  • Clickatell SMS support (consistent with the 1.4 release).
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

Press Release

Release 2.0beta - 10/1/2012

Release 2.0alpha - 7/2/2012

  • New architecture: see Why VuFind 2.0? for some reasons for the change.
  • More feature-rich Summon and WorldCat modules (full support for tags, favorites, comments, citations and other standard VuFind features).
  • More complete mobile theme.
  • More flexible theme system (allow users to choose from multiple themes).
  • Configuration-driven record export system supported by more record types.
  • Streamlined install/upgrade process.
  • New “related records” plug-in mechanism to allow configuration-driven customization of record views (no more hard-coded “more like this” / “WorldCat editions” functionality).
  • Language file inheritance (override language settings without editing core files).

Release 1.4 - 1/28/2013

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

  • Upgrade to SolrMarc version 2.5.
  • A “no ILS” driver for users without an integrated library system or for graceful support of temporary outages
  • Support for title-level (as opposed to item-level) holds
  • Improved/expanded jquerymobile theme – now the recommended mobile theme
  • Improved support for MARC 7xx linking fields
  • More configuration options for Google/HathiTrust/OpenLibrary previews
  • Home page facets may now be configured independently of advanced search facets
  • Support for using Tika instead of Aperture for full text harvesting
  • Support for “no results” recommendation modules – special suggestions displayed only when the result set is empty
  • New recommendation modules: AuthorityRecommend (provide suggestions based on authority cross-references), FacetCloud (compact display of expanding facet values), SwitchType (for use in “no results” area)
  • Optional Clickatell support for SMS messaging
  • Improved support for using VuFind as an article index
  • New languages: Basque, Catalan, Czech and Russian
  • Support for ldaps scheme in LDAP authentication module
  • Various bug fixes and minor enhancements

Press Release

Release 1.3 - 1/30/2012

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

  • Upgrade to latest versions of Solr (3.5) and SolrMarc (2.3)
  • New “book bag” functionality for performing actions (save, email, etc.) on multiple items from result lists (available in Blueprint theme only)
  • Improved integration with VuFind Template App for SciVerse
  • Optional Solr-driven Reserves search module
  • New recommendation modules (Timeline graph, Europeana, Google Maps)
  • Improved Syndetics integration
  • Blueprint is now the default theme (since it is most feature-rich and uses jQuery, which will be the standard in VuFind 2.0)
  • Various bug fixes and minor enhancements

Press Release

Release 1.2 - 8/1/2011

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

  • New (experimental) jQuery Mobile theme.
  • Added infrastructure for holds/recalls and renewals via ILS drivers (currently supported by Voyager, Horizon and Demo drivers).
  • Improved advanced search behavior.
  • Optional support for MARC 7xx linking fields.
  • Optional support for multiple result views (list vs. grid).
  • Optional support for multiple result list page sizes.
  • Support for indexing full text from URLs in MARC records.
  • Improved EZProxy integration.
  • Configurable “retain filters” checkbox.
  • BibTeX export support.
  • More complete translations for most supported languages.
  • Fixed Dewey indexing bugs from release 1.1.
  • Fixed public list bugs from release 1.1.

Release 1.1 - 3/21/2011

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

Release 1.0.1 - 8/13/2010

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

  • Added optional “Next” / “Prev” links to navigate through search results from the Record view (disabled by default – see the new [Record] section of config.ini to enable this option).
  • Added NewGenLib ILS driver.
  • Added basic OAI-PMH harvester tool.
  • More flexible configuration of sort options (you can now specify tie-breakers).
  • Bug fixes to address issues discovered during the first month of VuFind 1.0 deployment. See JIRA for details on bugs, including patches for the most critical problems.

Release 1.0 - 7/15/2010

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

  • Upgraded to Solr 1.4.1, the latest bugfix release of the index engine.
  • Dewey Decimal support (see Call Numbers page for more details).
  • Recommendations module interface to create custom recommendations for individual search types (see Building a Recommendations Module for more details).
  • Record Driver mechanism to help with ingesting record formats other than MARC.
  • Mobile interface.
  • Summon module.
  • Expanded support for non-English languages.
  • Many bug fixes and new configuration options.

Release 1.0RC2 - 12/14/2009

WARNING: If you are upgrading to this release, see the migration notes.

  • Upgraded to Solr 1.4, the latest official release of the index engine.
  • Dismax search support – the powerful Solr Dismax handler is now used by VuFind, without losing support for advanced features of Lucene like wildcards and Booleans.
  • Facets are no longer retrieved via AJAX for faster search result display.
  • Revamped (and fully functional) advanced search (thanks to Greg Pendlebury).
  • Searches are now fully customizable through configuration files – you don't need to change any code. See Search Customization for details.
  • Template inheritance – you can now customize only the templates you need to change for your local setup and inherit the rest from one of the default themes. See Theme Inheritance for more details.
  • Updated SolrMarc importer with support for custom BeanShell scripts (for localized import behavior without needing to recompile the whole program) and external translation maps (so you can edit the files without having to open the SolrMarc .jar file).
  • Expanded favorites handling – create multiple distinct named lists of favorite records. Keep them private for personal use or make them public to share with others.
  • New default theme – a whole new user interface look and feel, without losing the option to retain the original “classic” look.
  • Improved Admin interface – view statistics and configuration files from one convenient place.
  • Improved authentication code – added Shibboleth support, made LDAP support more flexible, fixed minor problems with other methods.
  • Flexible session handling: store session in Memcache, MySQL or the local filesystem.
  • New logging mechanism (configurable in config.ini) allows fatal errors to be captured to file, database or email for better discovery of problems.
  • Many, many bug fixes and security improvements.

Release 1.0RC1 - 10/15/2008

Change information is unavailable for this release.

Release 0.8.2 (Revision 549) - 4/21/2008

  • Fixed importing bugs from 0.8.1 release
  • Improved author information indexing
  • Revised record format detection in importer
  • Added clean Era on import
  • Fixed boolean searching
  • Fixed Narrow Search Results js error
  • Fixed Browse Module - Thanks to Bob Wicksall
  • Fixed Syndetics Reviews - Thanks to Joel Norman

Release 0.8.1 (Revision 530) - 4/15/2008

WARNING: For this release you must re-index records.

  • Search queries - queries have been restructured to be more powerful and higher quality with better relevancy ranking
  • Searching - filter out illegal characters
  • Searching - user's input is now tokenized and a AND query and OR query are now generated
  • Index data - punctuation in Title, Subject, Date, ISBN fields are now cleaned
  • Index data - isbn & issn fields are now multivalued
  • Index data - added new fields to allow more granular control of searching
  • Languages - All 450+ ISO languages are now recognized
  • Import - fixed import.sh to work easier
  • Record View - revised subject links to be accurate
  • Record View - fixed display of tags
  • Facets - Fixed narrow by call number
  • Author page - author name cleaned up to allow better results from wikipedia
  • Synonyms - added some basic synonyms to synonyms.txt file

Release 0.8 (Revision 402) - 3/18/2008

WARNING: For this release you must re-index records.

  • New Import Tool - Developed by Wayne Graham of William and Mary College
  • Data directory is no longer used
  • Refactored Record Module to use HTML for display instead of XSL
  • Place Hold/Recall is now incorporated into the system and available for Voyager Systems. More ILS systems will be intergrated as soon as possible
  • Book Covers and Book Reviews can now be supplied by other providers other than Amazon. Syndetics and Google Books are included as well.
  • Innovative Driver - Development by Adam Brin.

Release 0.7 (Revision 264) - 12/12/2007

  • Internationalization - VuFind has been translated into German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portugese and Chinese.
  • Zotero - Users of VuFind can now save items to their Zotero plugin.
  • User Account - Users of VuFind can now see what items they have checked out, any holds they have places as well as any fines that they have.
  • Browse - A new “prototype” browse application has been added to VuFind to allow users to browse through the library resources through an iTunes style interface.
  • Narrow Results now include a facet called Subject Area that is based on the Call Number.
  • Logged in interface has been redesigned
  • AJAX Queries on search results page were consolidated for better performance Patch by Chris Delis.
  • Added “more” and “less” functionality to the results facets to allow for more that 5 options to show. Patch by Chris Delis.
  • Improved all fields search algorithm.
  • Improved “Similiar Items” algorithm.
  • Added a “Search Within” feature.
  • Added basic Aleph Driver by Christoph Krempe
  • Added basic SirsiDynix Sybase Driver by Matt Mackey
  • Holdings tab is now the default tab on the Record View page
  • Bug Fix: Install script now creates the MySQL database correctly
  • Bug Fix: Deleting of favorites now works correctly

Release 0.6.1 (Revision 133) - 8/22/2007

  • Bug Fix: Narrow Results did not work in Safari and IE7
  • Bug Fix: Install script did not install all necessary libraries
  • Bug Fix: Advanced search not working correctly
  • Bug Fix: Voyager driver now has configurable port number
  • Added debug option in configuration

Release 0.6 (Revision 118) - 8/16/2007

  • New Tagging/Favorites System and New MySQL Database Schema
  • Redesigned “logged-in” Homepage
  • Users can view their checked out items
  • Narrow by Callnumber
  • New fields in SOLR Schema
  • Enhanced import script with new data cleanup mechanisms
  • Revised advanced search mechanism
  • Enhanced installation script
  • Migrated from Tomcat to Jetty for ease of packaging (Thanks to Wayne Graham)
  • New control script (vufind.sh) for new Jetty Server (Thanks to Wayne Graham)
  • Bug Fix: Login popup window
  • Bug Fix: Missing book cover images and Amazon reviews
  • Bug Fix: More Like This - strange inclusions
  • Bug Fix: Holdings Tab display works with latest Structures_Datagrid library
  • And many more bug fixes…

Release 0.5 - 7/18/2007

  • Spelling Correction
  • Tagging and Commenting per Record
  • Save Resources
  • Database Authentication
  • Search History
  • Author Pages
  • More Like This


  • MARCXML Initial Import Script
  • Result Facets
  • Live Status Information
  • LDAP Authentication
changelog.1583182151.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/02 20:49 by demiankatz